🚚 Merge code from old patcher

This commit is contained in:
C-3PO 2018-06-22 12:25:31 +02:00
parent 5806b96f4f
commit fab92b078b
Signed by: c3po
GPG key ID: 62993C4BB4D86F24
4 changed files with 260 additions and 0 deletions

src/cdn/dns.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
/* --- DNS resolver for the CDN storing SWTOR's patch files ---
| The SWTOR launcher first connects to cdn-patch.swtor.com,
| there the traffic is split onto Akamai and Level3, and
| distributed to local points of presence.
| The master files appear to be stored on, and
| all CDNs are synchronized with that source.
| > cdn-patch.swtor.com
| -> gslb-patch.swtor.biowareonline.net
| -> cdn-patch.swtor.com.edgesuite.net (Akamai)
| | -> a56.d.akamai.net
| | ->
| | ->
| -> cdn-patch.swtor.com.c.footprint.net (Level3)
| -> eu.lvlt.cdn.ea.com.c.footprint.net (Europe)
| | ->
| | ->
| -> na.lvlt.cdn.ea.com.c.footprint.net (US)
| ->
| ->
| ->
| Examples:
| - http://cdn-patch.swtor.com/patch/assets_swtor_main/assets_swtor_main_-1to0.solidpkg
| -
import { exec} from 'child_process';
import * as dns from 'dns';
import { IDnsResult, IServerEntry } from '../interfaces/IDnsResult';
//Time when this script started, for delta time calculations
const startTime = Date.now();
let lastUpdate = 0;
//List of servers, sorted by reliability
let servers: IServerEntry[] = [];
//the master source is included by default
servers.push({ ip: '', type: 'master', lastSeen: Infinity, weight: Infinity });
//TODO: send e-mail with the error
const assert = (cond: boolean) => { if (!cond) { console.warn('Assert failed'); } };
//Looks up the given domain and returns a list of IP addresses, along with their time-to-live
async function resolveDns(domain: string): Promise<IDnsResult[]> {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
//check given string for correctness to prevent injection attacks
if (!domain.match(/^[a-z0-9]+([-.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,3}$/)) { return resolve([]); }
//Check Level3/North_America separetely
if (domain !== 'cdn-patch.swtor.com') {
dns.resolve4(domain, { ttl: true }, (err, result) => {
return resolve(result.map(({ address, ttl }) => ({ address, ttl, type: 'level3-us' as IDnsResult['type'] })));
} else {
//Use bash so we get more information.
//Also do plenty of asserts to ensure that overall CDN structure has stayed unchanged, and TODO send e-mail if it's different (max. once per hour)
exec('dig +noall +answer "cdn-patch.swtor.com"', { timeout: 10000 }, (error, stdout) => {
//check for error
if (error) {
return resolve([]);
const data = stdout.trim().split('\n').map((line) => line.split(/\t| /));
//Verify output
assert(data.length > 3);
data.forEach((dataLine) => assert(dataLine.length === 5));
assert(data[0][0] === 'cdn-patch.swtor.com.');
assert(data[0][1].match(/^[0-9]{1,3}$/) !== null); //at least up to 598
assert(data[0][2] === 'IN');
assert(data[0][3] === 'CNAME');
assert(data[0][4] === 'gslb-patch.swtor.biowareonline.net.');
assert(data[1][0] === 'gslb-patch.swtor.biowareonline.net.');
assert(data[1][1].match(/^[0-9]{1,2}$/) !== null); //up to 60 seconds
assert(data[1][2] === 'IN');
assert(data[1][3] === 'CNAME');
assert(data[1][4] === 'cdn-patch.swtor.com.edgesuite.net.' || data[1][4] === 'cdn-patch.swtor.com.c.footprint.net.');
assert(data[2][0] === data[1][4]);
assert(data[2][1].match(/^[0-9]{1,5}$/) !== null); //at least up to 15092 if Akamai, at least up to 627 if Level3
assert(data[2][2] === 'IN');
assert(data[2][3] === 'CNAME');
(data[2][4] === 'a56.d.akamai.net.' && data[1][4] === 'cdn-patch.swtor.com.edgesuite.net.') ||
(data[2][4] === 'eu.lvlt.cdn.ea.com.c.footprint.net.' && data[1][4] === 'cdn-patch.swtor.com.c.footprint.net.'),
for (let i = 3, il = data.length; i < il; i++) {
assert(data[i][0] === data[2][4]);
assert(data[i][1].match(/^[0-9]{1,3}$/) !== null); //up to 60 seconds if Akamai, at least up to 218 if Level3
assert(data[i][2] === 'IN');
assert(data[i][3] === 'A');
assert(data[i][4].match(/^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$/) !== null);
//Prepare return values
let type: IDnsResult['type'];
switch (data[1][4]) {
case 'cdn-patch.swtor.com.edgesuite.net.': type = 'akamai'; break;
case 'cdn-patch.swtor.com.c.footprint.net.': type = 'level3-eu'; break;
default: type = 'unknown';
resolve(data.filter((e, index) => index >= 3).map(([, ttl, , , address]) => ({ ttl: Math.min(Number(ttl), Number(data[0][1]), Number(data[1][1]), Number(data[2][1])), address, type })));
}) as Promise<IDnsResult[]>;
//Updates the list of servers based on current DNS data
async function heartbeatDns(domain: string) {
//Get list of current patch servers
const dnsResults = await resolveDns(domain);
//Remeber time when response came in
const now = Date.now() - startTime;
//Schedule next check based on time-to-live, but never longer than 1 minute
const ttl = Math.min(60, ...(dnsResults.map((obj) => obj.ttl))) + 1;
setTimeout(heartbeatDns.bind(null, domain), ttl * 1000);
//Update array with new information
({ address, type }, index) => {
//Calculate weight:
//on cdn-patch.swtor.com: 3 if first, 2 if second, otherwise 1
let weight = (index < 2) ? (3 - index) : 1;
//on Level3 US: 1.2 is first, 1 if second
if (domain !== 'cdn-patch.swtor.com') {
weight = (index === 0) ? 1.2 : 1;
//if ip is already contained
for (let i = 0, il = servers.length; i < il; i++) {
const server = servers[i];
if (server.ip === address) {
server.lastSeen = now;
server.weight += weight;
if (server.type !== type) { server.type = type; }
//if not yet contained, add to array
ip: address,
lastSeen: now,
weight: weight + 1, //give a boost to new values compared to existing values
//Remove old entries - old = not seen for one hour
servers = servers.filter((server) => (now - server.lastSeen) < 3600000);
//Decay weights - reduce them based on update frequency (-50% if full minute, but less if TTL was shorter than a minute)
const decayFactor = 0.5 ** ((now - lastUpdate) / 60000);
lastUpdate = now;
servers.forEach((server) => { server.weight *= decayFactor; });
//Sort the array by weight
servers.sort((a, b) => b.weight - a.weight);
//Output current list
let output = '';
servers.forEach((server) => {
//set colors based on server type, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors
//bright color if seen within last 5 minutes
if (now - server.lastSeen < 300000) { output += '\x1b[1m'; } else { output += '\x1b[0m'; }
switch (server.type) {
case 'master': output += '\x1b[37m'; break; //white
case 'akamai': output += '\x1b[35m'; break; //magenta
case 'level3-us': output += '\x1b[32m'; break; //green
case 'level3-eu': output += '\x1b[36m'; break; //cyan
case 'unknown': default: output += '\x1b[31m'; //red
output += server.ip;
output += '\t';
//Reset color to default
output += '\x1b[0m';
//start loading additional addresses, both from CDN, and specifically from Level3/North_America so we have more than just European servers

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
type NetworkType = 'master' | 'akamai' | 'level3-eu' | 'level3-us' | 'unknown';
/** One search result in a DNS query response */
interface IDnsResult {
/** IP address to which cdn-patch.swtor.com resolves to. */
address: string;
/** Which network / cloud provider this IP address belongs to. */
type: NetworkType;
/** Time-to-live, given in seconds, of how long the results last, or when we need to update them. */
ttl: number;
/** An IP address that was returned by resolved the CDN domain. */
interface IServerEntry {
/** IP address to which cdn-patch.swtor.com resolves to. */
ip: string;
/** Which network / cloud provider this IP address belongs to. */
type: NetworkType;
/** When we were last able to resolve to this IP address. */
lastSeen: number;
/** A measure of how reliable this IP address is, based on how often and how recently it was resolved. */
weight: number;
export { IDnsResult, IServerEntry };

View file

@ -135,6 +135,9 @@ export default function readSolidpkg(buffer: Buffer) {
const decodedPassword = modifyPassword(encodedPassword);
//TODO: read encrypted + compressed file
//pos = start of central dir
//fseek(fp, pos - centralDirOffset, SEEK_SET);
return { lastMod1, lastMod2, fileCrc, comprSize, uncomprSize, fileNameLength, extraFieldLength, fileCommentLength, relOffset, fileName, encodedPassword, decodedPassword };

src/ssn/releasePaths.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
export default function getFroms(product: string, releaseTo: number) {
//The launcher (patcher, patcher2014, patcher2017) is always installing from -1, never from a previous version
if (product.startsWith('patcher')) {
return [-1];
} else {
const froms: number[] = [];
//always X-1toX
froms.push(releaseTo - 1);
//also 0toX, unless X is 0
if (releaseTo >= 2) { froms.push(0); }
if ((releaseTo % 5) === 0) {
//also X-5toX if X % 5
if (releaseTo >= 10) { froms.push(releaseTo - 5); }
//also X-20toX if X % 5
if (releaseTo >= 25) { froms.push(releaseTo - 20); }
//also downgrade from the following four releases
froms.push(releaseTo + 1);
froms.push(releaseTo + 2);
froms.push(releaseTo + 3);
froms.push(releaseTo + 4);
} else { //for some of the older releases, an update from _5 or _0 is possible
e.g. in asset_swtor_main:
5to7, 5to8, 5to9,
10to12, 10to13, 10to14,
15to17, 15to18, 15to19,
20to22, 20to23, 20to24,
25to27, 25to28, 25to29,
30to32, 30to33, 30to34,
35to37, etc. , 85to87
if (releaseTo >= 7 && (releaseTo % 5) > 1) { froms.push(releaseTo - (releaseTo % 5)); }
return froms;