🚧 Partial switch to streams, and add utility endpoints

This commit is contained in:
C-3PO 2018-07-05 00:58:40 +02:00
parent e14a8db179
commit ae2ac6d278
Signed by: c3po
GPG key ID: 62993C4BB4D86F24
17 changed files with 395 additions and 213 deletions

View file

@ -7,12 +7,34 @@ For this tool to work, ```tsc``` and ```tslint``` must be globally available, e.
npm install -g typescript tslint
Then start it as follows:
Transpile the TypeScript files to JavaScript by running:
npm start && node dist/installPatch.js
npm start
# Usage
Either directly run whatever script you need:
node dist/getManifest.js assets_swtor_main
node dist/getSolidPkg.js assets_swtor_main 126 127
node dist/installPatch.js
Or import the functions into your Node.js application:
import * as ssn from './dist';
(async function() {
const manifestContents = await ssn.getManifest('assets_swtor_main');
const solidpkgContents = await ssn.getSolidpkg('assets_swtor_main', 126, 127);
# Introduction
SWTORs patcher is licensed from Solid State Networks, so it is mostly using code from SSN. However, SWTOR does not use the original software by SSN; instead they wrote their own patch deploy pipeline which interfaces with the SSN command line tools.

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import saveResponse from './funcs/saveResponse';
/** Downloads the given URL and saves it to disk. Throws error if download fails. */
export default function downloadUrlContents({ host, path }: {host: string, path: string}): Promise<fs.ReadStream> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
//Create HTTP request
const request = http.request({
family: 4,

View file

@ -36,69 +36,69 @@ const assert = (condition: boolean) => { if (!condition) { console.warn('Assert
/** Looks up the given domain and returns a list of IP addresses, along with their time-to-live */
async function resolveDns(domain: string): Promise<IDnsResult[]> {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
//check given string for correctness to prevent injection attacks
if (!domain.match(/^[a-z0-9]+([-.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,3}$/)) { return resolve([]); }
//check given string for correctness to prevent injection attacks
if (!domain.match(/^[a-z0-9]+([-.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,3}$/)) { return resolve([]); }
//Check Level3/North_America separately
if (domain !== 'cdn-patch.swtor.com') {
dns.resolve4(domain, { ttl: true }, (err, result) => {
return resolve(result.map(({ address, ttl }) => ({ address, ttl, type: 'level3-us' as IDnsResult['type'] })));
} else {
//Use bash so we get more information.
//Also do plenty of asserts to ensure that overall CDN structure has stayed unchanged, and TODO send e-mail if it's different (max. once per hour)
exec('dig +noall +answer "cdn-patch.swtor.com"', { timeout: 10000 }, (error, stdout) => {
//check for error
if (error) {
return resolve([]);
//Check Level3/North_America separately
if (domain !== 'cdn-patch.swtor.com') {
dns.resolve4(domain, { ttl: true }, (err, result) => {
return resolve(result.map(({ address, ttl }) => ({ address, ttl, type: 'level3-us' as IDnsResult['type'] })));
} else {
//Use bash so we get more information.
//Also do plenty of asserts to ensure that overall CDN structure has stayed unchanged, and TODO send e-mail if it's different (max. once per hour)
exec('dig +noall +answer "cdn-patch.swtor.com"', { timeout: 10000 }, (error, stdout) => {
//check for error
if (error) {
return resolve([]);
const data = stdout.trim().split('\n').map((line) => line.split(/\t| /));
const data = stdout.trim().split('\n').map((line) => line.split(/\t| /));
//Verify output
assert(data.length > 3);
data.forEach((dataLine) => assert(dataLine.length === 5));
assert(data[0][0] === 'cdn-patch.swtor.com.');
assert(data[0][1].match(/^[0-9]{1,3}$/) !== null); //at least up to 598
assert(data[0][2] === 'IN');
assert(data[0][3] === 'CNAME');
assert(data[0][4] === 'gslb-patch.swtor.biowareonline.net.');
//Verify output
assert(data.length > 3);
data.forEach((dataLine) => assert(dataLine.length === 5));
assert(data[0][0] === 'cdn-patch.swtor.com.');
assert(data[0][1].match(/^[0-9]{1,3}$/) !== null); //at least up to 598
assert(data[0][2] === 'IN');
assert(data[0][3] === 'CNAME');
assert(data[0][4] === 'gslb-patch.swtor.biowareonline.net.');
assert(data[1][0] === 'gslb-patch.swtor.biowareonline.net.');
assert(data[1][1].match(/^[0-9]{1,2}$/) !== null); //up to 60 seconds
assert(data[1][2] === 'IN');
assert(data[1][3] === 'CNAME');
assert(data[1][4] === 'cdn-patch.swtor.com.edgesuite.net.' || data[1][4] === 'cdn-patch.swtor.com.c.footprint.net.');
assert(data[1][0] === 'gslb-patch.swtor.biowareonline.net.');
assert(data[1][1].match(/^[0-9]{1,2}$/) !== null); //up to 60 seconds
assert(data[1][2] === 'IN');
assert(data[1][3] === 'CNAME');
assert(data[1][4] === 'cdn-patch.swtor.com.edgesuite.net.' || data[1][4] === 'cdn-patch.swtor.com.c.footprint.net.');
assert(data[2][0] === data[1][4]);
assert(data[2][1].match(/^[0-9]{1,5}$/) !== null); //at least up to 15092 if Akamai, at least up to 627 if Level3
assert(data[2][2] === 'IN');
assert(data[2][3] === 'CNAME');
(data[2][4] === 'a56.d.akamai.net.' && data[1][4] === 'cdn-patch.swtor.com.edgesuite.net.') ||
(data[2][4] === 'eu.lvlt.cdn.ea.com.c.footprint.net.' && data[1][4] === 'cdn-patch.swtor.com.c.footprint.net.'),
assert(data[2][0] === data[1][4]);
assert(data[2][1].match(/^[0-9]{1,5}$/) !== null); //at least up to 15092 if Akamai, at least up to 627 if Level3
assert(data[2][2] === 'IN');
assert(data[2][3] === 'CNAME');
(data[2][4] === 'a56.d.akamai.net.' && data[1][4] === 'cdn-patch.swtor.com.edgesuite.net.') ||
(data[2][4] === 'eu.lvlt.cdn.ea.com.c.footprint.net.' && data[1][4] === 'cdn-patch.swtor.com.c.footprint.net.'),
for (let i = 3, il = data.length; i < il; i += 1) {
assert(data[i][0] === data[2][4]);
assert(data[i][1].match(/^[0-9]{1,3}$/) !== null); //up to 60 seconds if Akamai, at least up to 218 if Level3
assert(data[i][2] === 'IN');
assert(data[i][3] === 'A');
assert(data[i][4].match(/^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$/) !== null);
for (let i = 3, il = data.length; i < il; i += 1) {
assert(data[i][0] === data[2][4]);
assert(data[i][1].match(/^[0-9]{1,3}$/) !== null); //up to 60 seconds if Akamai, at least up to 218 if Level3
assert(data[i][2] === 'IN');
assert(data[i][3] === 'A');
assert(data[i][4].match(/^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$/) !== null);
//Prepare return values
let type: IDnsResult['type'];
switch (data[1][4]) {
case 'cdn-patch.swtor.com.edgesuite.net.': type = 'akamai'; break;
case 'cdn-patch.swtor.com.c.footprint.net.': type = 'level3-eu'; break;
default: type = 'unknown';
//Prepare return values
let type: IDnsResult['type'];
switch (data[1][4]) {
case 'cdn-patch.swtor.com.edgesuite.net.': type = 'akamai'; break;
case 'cdn-patch.swtor.com.c.footprint.net.': type = 'level3-eu'; break;
default: type = 'unknown';
resolve(data.filter((e, index) => index >= 3).map(([, ttl, , , address]) => ({ ttl: Math.min(Number(ttl), Number(data[0][1]), Number(data[1][1]), Number(data[2][1])), address, type })));
resolve(data.filter((e, index) => index >= 3).map(([, ttl, , , address]) => ({ ttl: Math.min(Number(ttl), Number(data[0][1]), Number(data[1][1]), Number(data[2][1])), address, type })));
}) as Promise<IDnsResult[]>;

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import handleResponse from './funcs/handleResponse';
/** Downloads the given URL into memory and returns it as an ArrayBuffer. Throws error if download fails or file is too large to be handled in memory. */
export default function getUrlContents({ host, path }: {host: string, path: string}): Promise<ArrayBuffer> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
//Create HTTP request
const request = http.request({
family: 4,

View file

@ -12,78 +12,78 @@ servers.push({ ip: '', type: 'master', lastSeen: Infinity, weight:
/** Updates the list of servers based on current DNS data */
async function heartbeatDns(domain: string) {
//Get list of current patch servers
const dnsResults = await resolveDns(domain);
//Get list of current patch servers
const dnsResults = await resolveDns(domain);
//Remember time when response came in
const now = Date.now() - startTime;
//Remember time when response came in
const now = Date.now() - startTime;
//Schedule next check based on time-to-live, but never longer than 1 minute
const ttl = Math.min(60, ...(dnsResults.map((obj) => obj.ttl))) + 1;
setTimeout(heartbeatDns.bind(null, domain), ttl * 1000);
//Schedule next check based on time-to-live, but never longer than 1 minute
const ttl = Math.min(60, ...(dnsResults.map((obj) => obj.ttl))) + 1;
setTimeout(heartbeatDns.bind(null, domain), ttl * 1000);
//Update array with new information
({ address, type }, index) => {
//Calculate weight:
//on cdn-patch.swtor.com: 3 if first, 2 if second, otherwise 1
let weight = (index < 2) ? (3 - index) : 1;
//on Level3 US: 1.2 is first, 1 if second
if (domain !== 'cdn-patch.swtor.com') {
weight = (index === 0) ? 1.2 : 1;
//Update array with new information
({ address, type }, index) => {
//Calculate weight:
//on cdn-patch.swtor.com: 3 if first, 2 if second, otherwise 1
let weight = (index < 2) ? (3 - index) : 1;
//on Level3 US: 1.2 is first, 1 if second
if (domain !== 'cdn-patch.swtor.com') {
weight = (index === 0) ? 1.2 : 1;
//if ip is already contained
for (let i = 0, il = servers.length; i < il; i += 1) {
const server = servers[i];
if (server.ip === address) {
server.lastSeen = now;
server.weight += weight;
if (server.type !== type) { server.type = type; }
//if not yet contained, add to array
ip: address,
lastSeen: now,
weight: weight + 1, //give a boost to new values compared to existing values
//Remove old entries - old = not seen for one hour
servers = servers.filter((server) => (now - server.lastSeen) < 3600000);
//Decay weights - reduce them based on update frequency (-50% if full minute, but less if TTL was shorter than a minute)
const decayFactor = 0.5 ** ((now - lastUpdate) / 60000);
lastUpdate = now;
servers.forEach((server) => { server.weight *= decayFactor; });
//Sort the array by weight
servers.sort((a, b) => b.weight - a.weight);
//Output current list
let output = '';
servers.forEach((server) => {
//set colors based on server type, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors
//bright color if seen within last 5 minutes
if (now - server.lastSeen < 300000) { output += '\x1b[1m'; } else { output += '\x1b[0m'; }
switch (server.type) {
case 'master': output += '\x1b[37m'; break; //white
case 'akamai': output += '\x1b[35m'; break; //magenta
case 'level3-us': output += '\x1b[32m'; break; //green
case 'level3-eu': output += '\x1b[36m'; break; //cyan
case 'unknown': default: output += '\x1b[31m'; //red
//if ip is already contained
for (let i = 0, il = servers.length; i < il; i += 1) {
const server = servers[i];
if (server.ip === address) {
server.lastSeen = now;
server.weight += weight;
if (server.type !== type) { server.type = type; }
output += server.ip;
output += '\t';
//Reset color to default
output += '\x1b[0m';
//if not yet contained, add to array
ip: address,
lastSeen: now,
weight: weight + 1, //give a boost to new values compared to existing values
//Remove old entries - old = not seen for one hour
servers = servers.filter((server) => (now - server.lastSeen) < 3600000);
//Decay weights - reduce them based on update frequency (-50% if full minute, but less if TTL was shorter than a minute)
const decayFactor = 0.5 ** ((now - lastUpdate) / 60000);
lastUpdate = now;
servers.forEach((server) => { server.weight *= decayFactor; });
//Sort the array by weight
servers.sort((a, b) => b.weight - a.weight);
//Output current list
let output = '';
servers.forEach((server) => {
//set colors based on server type, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors
//bright color if seen within last 5 minutes
if (now - server.lastSeen < 300000) { output += '\x1b[1m'; } else { output += '\x1b[0m'; }
switch (server.type) {
case 'master': output += '\x1b[37m'; break; //white
case 'akamai': output += '\x1b[35m'; break; //magenta
case 'level3-us': output += '\x1b[32m'; break; //green
case 'level3-eu': output += '\x1b[36m'; break; //cyan
case 'unknown': default: output += '\x1b[31m'; //red
output += server.ip;
output += '\t';
//Reset color to default
output += '\x1b[0m';
//start loading additional addresses, both from CDN, and specifically from Level3/North_America so we have more than just European servers

View file

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
import { ISettings, Product } from './interfaces/ISettings';
import verifyProductName from './ssn/verify/verifyProductName';
const settings: ISettings = {};
/** Sets the given setting to the given value. Throws an error if key is invalid, or value doesn't match the key. */
export const set = (key: string, value: any) => {
switch (key) {
case 'product':
//TODO: need to verify input (one of allowed products)
if (typeof value !== 'string') { throw new Error(`product must be a string but it's a "${typeof value}".`); }
if (!verifyProductName(value)) { throw new Error(`"${value}" is not an allowed product.`); }
settings.product = value as Product;
case 'release':
//verify input (must be a number >=0, and >settings.from)
if (typeof value !== 'number') { throw new Error(`release must be a number but it's a "${typeof value}".`); }
if ((value | 0) !== value) { throw new Error(`release must be an integer but it's ${value}.`); }
if (value < 0) { throw new Error(`release must be a non-negative integer but it's ${value}.`); }
if (settings.from !== undefined && value <= settings.from ) { throw new Error(`release must be greater than from but ${value} is not greater than ${settings.from}.`); }
settings.release = value;
case 'from':
//TODO: need to verify input (it's a number >=-1 and <setting.release)
if (typeof value !== 'number') { throw new Error(`from must be a number but it's a "${typeof value}".`); }
if ((value | 0) !== value) { throw new Error(`from must be an integer but it's ${value}.`); }
if (value < -1) { throw new Error(`from must be a non-negative integer or -1, but it's ${value}.`); }
if (settings.release !== undefined && value >= settings.release ) { throw new Error(`from must be less than release but ${value} is not less than ${settings.release}.`); }
settings.from = value;
case 'outputType':
//need to verify input (it's info or file)
if (typeof value !== 'string') { throw new Error(`outputType must be a string but it's a "${typeof value}".`); }
if (value !== 'info' && value !== 'file') { throw new Error(`outputType must be "info" or "file" but it's "${value}".`); }
settings.outputType = value;
throw new Error(`The configuration setting ${key} does not exist.`);
/** Verify that all required settings were set. Throws an error if not. */
export const verify = () => {
if (settings.product === undefined) {
throw new Error('No product set.');
if (settings.release === undefined) {
throw new Error('No release set.');
if (settings.from === undefined) {
throw new Error('No from set.');
if (settings.outputType === undefined) {
throw new Error('No outputType set.');
return true;
/** Gets the value for the given setting. */
export const get = (key: string) => settings[key];

src/getManifest.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import IManifest from './interfaces/IManifest';
import { Product } from './interfaces/ISettings';
import getManifest from './ssn/getManifest';
import verifyProductName from './ssn/verify/verifyProductName';
function failWithError(msg?: string) {
if (msg !== undefined) {
process.stderr.write('Usage: node dist/getManifest.js <product>');
if (process.argv.length !== 2) {
failWithError(`Error: Expected 1 argument but ${process.argv.length - 1} arguments were supplied.`);
//Check that product name is valid
const product = process.argv[1];
if (!verifyProductName(product)) {
failWithError(`Error: "${product} is not a valid product name.`);
//Get manifest and write output to console
getManifest(product as Product).then((output: IManifest) => {

src/getSolidpkg.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
import { Product } from './interfaces/ISettings';
import ISolidSimple from './interfaces/ISolidSimple';
import getSolidpkg from './ssn/getSolidpkg';
import verifyProductName from './ssn/verify/verifyProductName';
function failWithError(msg?: string) {
if (msg !== undefined) {
process.stderr.write('Usage: node dist/getSolidpkg.js <product> <from> <to>');
if (process.argv.length !== 4) {
failWithError(`Error: Expected 3 arguments but ${process.argv.length - 1} arguments were supplied.`);
//Check that product name is valid
const product = process.argv[1];
if (!verifyProductName(product)) {
failWithError(`Error: "${product.substring(0, 300)}" is not a valid product name.`);
//Check that from and to are valid numbers
const from = process.argv[4];
const to = process.argv[3];
if (!from.match(/^(-1|0|[1-9][0-9]{0,2})$/)) {
failWithError(`Error: from value "${from.substring(0, 300)}" is not a valid integer; it must be in range [-1, 999].`);
if (!to.match(/^(0|[1-9][0-9]{0,2})$/)) {
failWithError(`Error: to value "${to.substring(0, 300)}" is not a valid integer; it must be in range [0, 999].`);
//Get solidpkg and write output to console
getSolidpkg(product as Product, Number(from), Number(to)).then((output: ISolidSimple) => {

View file

@ -1,18 +1,8 @@
import * as config from './config';
//Make endpoints available for import by other modules
//TODO: read arguments from command-line instead: process.argv
config.set('product', 'assets_swtor_en_us');
config.set('release', 120);
config.set('from', -1);
config.set('outputType', 'info');
//config.set('output', '/home/c3po/swtor-test/');
import findReleasePath from './ssn/findReleasePath';
import getPatch from './ssn/getPatch';
import getManifest from './ssn/getPatchManifest';
import getSolidpkg from './ssn/getSolidpkg';
- Configuration (which patch to download)
Need to install patch X for product Y, given install path Z and optionally previous version A already installed in path B.
- File download: .solidpkg, .zip, z01
- File verify
- Show output: list of .tor files etc. (and also which of the files have changed)
- File install
export { findReleasePath, getManifest, getSolidpkg, getPatch };

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
import getManifest from './ssn/getManifest';
import getPatch from './ssn/getPatch';
import getPatchmanifest from './ssn/getPatchmanifest';
(async () => {
//----- PATCHMANIFEST -----
//const patchmanifestJson = await getPatchmanifest('assets_swtor_de_de');
//const patchmanifestJson = await getManifest('assets_swtor_de_de');
//----- PATCH -----

View file

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
//Similar to extractFile.ts, but instead of receiving and returning an ArrayBuffer, works with Node.js streams.
import * as stream from 'stream';
import * as zlib from 'zlib';
import { ISsnFileEntry } from '../interfaces/ISsnFileEntry';
import streamSetMaxLength from './streams/streamSetMaxLength';
/** Extracts the file with the given metadata from the stream.
* The stream must already start at the .zip's local file header
* and must transparently span across multiple disks if necessary.
export default function extractFileStream(file: ISsnFileEntry, inputStream: stream.Readable): stream.Readable {
const localFileHeader = new DataView(inputStream.read(30));
//Local file header signature
if (localFileHeader.getUint32(0, true) !== 0x04034B50) {
throw new Error('Local file header had wrong magic');
//All fields in the local file header are copies of the central file header, so we can skip them.
//FIXME: Maybe we should actually read these fields to verify that they are identical?
//skip 22 bytes
const localFilenameSize = localFileHeader.getUint16(26, true);
const localExtraSize = localFileHeader.getUint16(28, true);
//skip local file name and extra field
inputStream.read(localFilenameSize + localExtraSize);
//TODO: pipe into decryption if file is encrypted
const decryptTransform = new stream.Transform({
read() {
//TODO: pipe into decompression if file is compressed
const decompressTransform = zlib.createInflateRaw();
//TODO: output file
return streamSetMaxLength(decompressTransform, file.size);
/*const out = new stream.Readable();
return out;*/

View file

@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
import { TextDecoder } from 'util';
import * as xmlJs from 'xml-js';
import getUrlContents from '../cdn/getUrlContents';
import IManifest from '../interfaces/IManifest';
import { Product } from '../interfaces/ISettings';
import extractFile from './extractFile';
import extractFileStream from './extractFileStream';
import parsePatchmanifest from './reader/parsePatchmanifest';
import readSsnFile from './reader/readSsnFile';
import arrayBufferToStream from './streams/arrayBufferToStream';
import streamToString from './streams/streamToString';
import verifyPatchmanifest from './verify/verifyPatchmanifest';
import verifyProductName from './verify/verifyProductName';
const Decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8');
export default async function getPatchmanifest(product: Product): Promise<IManifest> {
export default async function getManifest(product: Product): Promise<IManifest> {
//Verify function arguments
if (!verifyProductName(product)) {
throw new TypeError(`"${product}" is not a valid product.`);
@ -33,11 +32,13 @@ export default async function getPatchmanifest(product: Product): Promise<IManif
throw new Error(`Expected .patchmanifest to contain a file called manifest.xml but it is called "${firstFile.name}".`);
const stream = arrayBufferToStream(ssnFile, firstFile.offset);
//Extract manifest.xml file
const patchmanifestFile = await extractFile(firstFile, [new DataView(ssnFile)]);
const patchmanifestStream = extractFileStream(firstFile, stream);
//Convert ArrayBuffer to string
const patchmanifestXml = Decoder.decode(patchmanifestFile);
const patchmanifestXml = await streamToString(patchmanifestStream);
//convert XML to JSON-converted XML
const patchManifestJson = xmlJs.xml2js(patchmanifestXml) as xmlJs.Element;

View file

@ -18,14 +18,15 @@ export default async function getPatch(product: Product, from: number, to: numbe
const zipFile = getUrlContents(createUrlObject(solidpkg.files[indexOfLastFile].name));
const diskFiles = solidpkg.files.slice(0, indexOfLastFile).map((file) => downloadUrlContents(createUrlObject(file.name)));
//we can parse the file entries as soon as the .zip file is loaded
//we can parse the file entries as soon as the .zip file is downloaded
const fileEntries = readSsnFile(await zipFile);
//Verify file entries
verifyPatch(fileEntries, product, from);
//Then we need to wait for other files before we can extract them
//Then we need to wait for disks to finish download before we can extract individual files
//TODO: we can optimize this to already extract some files as soon as their relevant parts are downloaded
await Promise.all(diskFiles);
//const dvArray = bufferArray.map((buffer) => new DataView(buffer));

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import * as stream from 'stream';
const BUFFER_SIZE = 16 * 1024;
export default function arrayBufferToStream(arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer, offset = 0): stream.Readable {
if (offset < 0 || offset + 1 >= arrayBuffer.byteLength) {
throw new Error('Could not convert ArrayBuffer to ReadableStream; out of bounds.');
let position = offset;
const outStream = new stream.Readable({
encoding: 'binary',
read(size) {
const chunkSize = size || BUFFER_SIZE; //TODO: we can probably remove BUFFER_SIZE
let needMoreData: boolean;
do {
//If end is reached
if (position + 1 >= arrayBuffer.byteLength) {
//Write chunk to stream
const chunk = Buffer.from(arrayBuffer, position, chunkSize);
position += chunk.length;
needMoreData = this.push(chunk);
} while (needMoreData);
return outStream;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
import * as stream from 'stream';
/** Takes the given ReadableStream and returns a ReadableStream with the same contents but that terminates after the given length. */
export default function streamSetMaxLength(inputStream: stream.Readable, maxLength: number): stream.Readable {
if (maxLength <= 0) {
throw new Error('maxLength is out of bounds.');
let remaining = maxLength;
const outStream = new stream.Readable({
encoding: 'binary',
read(size) {
//If no size is provided, just pass through all remaining bytes
if (size === undefined) {
remaining = 0;
//End is reached, terminate stream
} else {
//Otherwise, pass through however many bytes we can
const clampedSize = Math.min(size, remaining);
remaining -= clampedSize;
//If end is reached, terminate stream
if (remaining <= 0) {
return outStream;

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
import * as stream from 'stream';
import { TextDecoder } from 'util';
const decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8');
export default function streamToString(inputStream: stream.Readable): Promise<string> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let outputString = '';
//Convert chunks to string
inputStream.on('data', (chunk: Buffer) => {
outputString += decoder.decode(chunk, { stream: true });
//Output final string
inputStream.on('end', () => {
outputString += decoder.decode();
//Exit on error
inputStream.on('error', (error) => {

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@ -1,6 +1,28 @@
import { Product } from '../../interfaces/ISettings';
const allowedProducts: Product[] = ['assets_swtor_de_de', 'assets_swtor_en_us', 'assets_swtor_fr_fr', 'assets_swtor_main', 'assets_swtor_test_de_de', 'assets_swtor_test_en_us', 'assets_swtor_test_fr_fr', 'assets_swtor_test_main', 'eualas', 'movies_de_de', 'movies_en_us', 'movies_fr_fr', 'patcher2014', 'patcher2017', 'retailclient_betatest', 'retailclient_cstraining', 'retailclient_liveeptest', 'retailclient_liveqatest', 'retailclient_publictest', 'retailclient_squadron157', 'retailclient_swtor'];
const allowedProducts: Product[] = [
export default function verifyProductName(name: string) {
return allowedProducts.includes(name as Product);