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2018-09-14 03:16:31 +02:00
/* xdelta3 - delta compression tools and library
Copyright 2016 Joshua MacDonald
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
static const uint32_t TEST_SEED1 = 5489UL;
#define MT_LEN 624
#define MT_IA 397
static const uint32_t UPPER_MASK = 0x80000000;
static const uint32_t LOWER_MASK = 0x7FFFFFFF;
static const uint32_t MATRIX_A = 0x9908B0DF;
#define SHELL_TESTS 1
typedef struct mtrand mtrand;
struct mtrand {
int mt_index_;
uint32_t mt_buffer_[MT_LEN];
int test_compare_files (const char* tgt, const char *rec);
void mt_init(mtrand *mt, uint32_t seed);
uint32_t mt_random (mtrand *mt);
int test_setup (void);
/* The Mersenne Twister code used herein is code to Michael Brundage. Thanks!
void mt_init(mtrand *mt, uint32_t seed) {
int i;
mt->mt_buffer_[0] = seed;
mt->mt_index_ = MT_LEN;
for (i = 1; i < MT_LEN; i++) {
/* See Knuth TAOCP Vol2. 3rd Ed. P.106 for multiplier. */
/* In the previous versions, MSBs of the seed affect */
/* only MSBs of the array mt[]. */
/* 2002/01/09 modified by Makoto Matsumoto */
mt->mt_buffer_[i] =
(1812433253UL * (mt->mt_buffer_[i-1] ^
(mt->mt_buffer_[i-1] >> 30)) + i);
uint32_t mt_random (mtrand *mt) {
uint32_t y;
unsigned long mag01[2];
mag01[0] = 0;
mag01[1] = MATRIX_A;
if (mt->mt_index_ >= MT_LEN) {
int kk;
for (kk = 0; kk < MT_LEN - MT_IA; kk++) {
y = (mt->mt_buffer_[kk] & UPPER_MASK) |
(mt->mt_buffer_[kk + 1] & LOWER_MASK);
mt->mt_buffer_[kk] = mt->mt_buffer_[kk + MT_IA] ^
(y >> 1) ^ mag01[y & 0x1UL];
for (;kk < MT_LEN - 1; kk++) {
y = (mt->mt_buffer_[kk] & UPPER_MASK) |
(mt->mt_buffer_[kk + 1] & LOWER_MASK);
mt->mt_buffer_[kk] = mt->mt_buffer_[kk + (MT_IA - MT_LEN)] ^
(y >> 1) ^ mag01[y & 0x1UL];
y = (mt->mt_buffer_[MT_LEN - 1] & UPPER_MASK) |
(mt->mt_buffer_[0] & LOWER_MASK);
mt->mt_buffer_[MT_LEN - 1] = mt->mt_buffer_[MT_IA - 1] ^
(y >> 1) ^ mag01[y & 0x1UL];
mt->mt_index_ = 0;
y = mt->mt_buffer_[mt->mt_index_++];
y ^= (y >> 11);
y ^= (y << 7) & 0x9d2c5680UL;
y ^= (y << 15) & 0xefc60000UL;
y ^= (y >> 18);
return y;
static mtrand static_mtrand;
#include <math.h>
static uint32_t
mt_exp_rand (uint32_t mean, uint32_t max_value)
double mean_d = mean;
double erand = log (1.0 / (mt_random (&static_mtrand) /
uint32_t x = (uint32_t) (mean_d * erand + 0.5);
return xd3_min (x, max_value);
#include <sys/wait.h>
#define MSG_IS(x) (stream->msg != NULL && strcmp ((x), stream->msg) == 0)
static const usize_t TWO_MEGS_AND_DELTA = (3 << 20);
static const usize_t ADDR_CACHE_ROUNDS = 10000;
static const usize_t TEST_FILE_MEAN = 16384;
static const double TEST_ADD_MEAN = 128;
static const double TEST_ADD_MAX = 512;
static const double TEST_ADD_RATIO = 0.1;
static const double TEST_EPSILON = 0.25;
#define TESTBUFSIZE (1024 * 16)
#define TESTFILESIZE (1024)
#define CHECK(cond) \
if (!(cond)) { \
XPR(NT __FILE__":%d: check failure: " #cond, __LINE__); \
abort(); }
/* Use a fixed soft config so that test values are fixed. See also
* test_compress_text(). */
static const char* test_softcfg_str = "-C9,3,4,8,2,36,70";
static void DOT (void) { XPR(NTR "."); }
static int do_cmd (xd3_stream *stream, const char *buf)
int ret;
if ((ret = system (buf)) != 0)
if (WIFEXITED (ret))
stream->msg = "command exited non-zero";
IF_DEBUG1 (XPR(NT "command was: %s\n", buf));
stream->msg = "abnormal command termination";
return ret;
return 0;
static int do_fail (xd3_stream *stream, const char *buf)
int ret;
ret = system (buf);
if (! WIFEXITED (ret) || WEXITSTATUS (ret) != 1)
stream->msg = "command should have not succeeded";
XPR(NT "command was %s\n", buf);
return XD3_INTERNAL;
return 0;
/* Test that the exponential distribution actually produces its mean. */
static int
test_random_numbers (xd3_stream *stream, int ignore)
usize_t i;
usize_t sum = 0;
usize_t mean = 50;
usize_t n_rounds = 1000000;
double average, error;
double allowed_error = 0.1;
mt_init (& static_mtrand, 0x9f73f7fe);
for (i = 0; i < n_rounds; i += 1)
sum += mt_exp_rand (mean, UINT32_MAX);
average = (double) sum / (double) n_rounds;
error = average - (double) mean;
if (error < allowed_error && error > -allowed_error)
return 0;
/*XPR(NT "error is %f\n", error);*/
stream->msg = "random distribution looks broken";
return XD3_INTERNAL;
static int
test_printf_xoff (xd3_stream *stream, int ignore)
char buf[64];
xoff_t x = XOFF_T_MAX;
snprintf_func (buf, sizeof(buf), "%"Q"u", x);
const char *expect = XD3_USE_LARGEFILE64 ?
"18446744073709551615" : "4294967295";
if (strcmp (buf, expect) == 0) {
return 0;
return XD3_INTERNAL;
static void
test_unlink (char* file)
int ret;
if (file != NULL && *file != 0 &&
(ret = unlink (file)) != 0 && errno != ENOENT)
XPR(NT "unlink %s failed: %s\n", file, strerror(ret));
static void
test_cleanup (void)
#if 1
test_unlink (TEST_TARGET_FILE);
test_unlink (TEST_SOURCE_FILE);
test_unlink (TEST_DELTA_FILE);
test_unlink (TEST_RECON_FILE);
test_unlink (TEST_RECON2_FILE);
test_unlink (TEST_COPY_FILE);
test_unlink (TEST_NOPERM_FILE);
int test_setup (void)
static int x = 0;
pid_t pid = getpid();
"/tmp/", pid, x);
"/tmp/xdtest.%d.source.%d", pid, x);
"/tmp/", pid, x);
"/tmp/xdtest.%d.recon.%d", pid, x);
"/tmp/xdtest.%d.recon2.%d", pid, x);
"/tmp/xdtest.%d.copy.%d", pid, x);
"/tmp/xdtest.%d.noperm.%d", pid, x);
return 0;
static int
test_make_inputs (xd3_stream *stream, xoff_t *ss_out, xoff_t *ts_out)
usize_t ts = (mt_random (&static_mtrand) % TEST_FILE_MEAN) +
usize_t ss = (mt_random (&static_mtrand) % TEST_FILE_MEAN) +
uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t*) malloc (ts + ss), *sbuf = buf, *tbuf = buf + ss;
usize_t sadd = 0, sadd_max = (usize_t)(ss * TEST_ADD_RATIO);
FILE *tf = NULL, *sf = NULL;
usize_t i, j;
int ret;
if (buf == NULL) { return ENOMEM; }
if ((tf = fopen (TEST_TARGET_FILE, "w")) == NULL ||
(ss_out != NULL && (sf = fopen (TEST_SOURCE_FILE, "w")) == NULL))
stream->msg = "write failed";
ret = get_errno ();
goto failure;
if (ss_out != NULL)
for (i = 0; i < ss; )
sbuf[i++] = (uint8_t) mt_random (&static_mtrand);
/* Then modify the data to produce copies, everything not copied is
* an add. The following logic produces the TEST_ADD_RATIO. The
* variable SADD contains the number of adds so far, which should
* not exceed SADD_MAX. */
/* XPR(NT "ss = %u ts = %u\n", ss, ts); */
for (i = 0; i < ts; )
usize_t left = ts - i;
usize_t next = mt_exp_rand ((uint32_t) TEST_ADD_MEAN,
(uint32_t) TEST_ADD_MAX);
usize_t add_left = sadd_max - sadd;
double add_prob = (left == 0) ? 0 : (add_left / (double) left);
int do_copy;
next = xd3_min (left, next);
do_copy = (next > add_left ||
(mt_random (&static_mtrand) / \
(double)USIZE_T_MAX) >= add_prob);
if (ss_out == NULL)
do_copy &= (i > 0);
do_copy &= (ss - next) > 0;
if (do_copy)
/* Copy */
size_t offset = mt_random (&static_mtrand) % ((ss_out == NULL) ?
i :
(ss - next));
/* XPR(NT "[%u] copy %u at %u ", i, next, offset); */
for (j = 0; j < next; j += 1)
char c = ((ss_out == NULL) ? tbuf : sbuf)[offset + j];
/* XPR(NT "%x%x", (c >> 4) & 0xf, c & 0xf); */
tbuf[i++] = c;
/* XPR(NT "\n"); */
/* Add */
/* XPR(NT "[%u] add %u ", i, next); */
for (j = 0; j < next; j += 1)
char c = (char) mt_random (&static_mtrand);
/* XPR(NT "%x%x", (c >> 4) & 0xf, c & 0xf); */
tbuf[i++] = c;
/* XPR(NT "\n"); */
sadd += next;
/* XPR(NT "sadd = %u max = %u\n", sadd, sadd_max); */
if ((fwrite (tbuf, 1, ts, tf) != ts) ||
(ss_out != NULL && (fwrite (sbuf, 1, ss, sf) != ss)))
stream->msg = "write failed";
ret = get_errno ();
goto failure;
if ((ret = fclose (tf)) || (ss_out != NULL && (ret = fclose (sf))))
stream->msg = "close failed";
ret = get_errno ();
goto failure;
if (ts_out) { (*ts_out) = ts; }
if (ss_out) { (*ss_out) = ss; }
free (buf);
return ret;
test_compare_files (const char* tgt, const char *rec)
FILE *orig, *recons;
static uint8_t obuf[TESTBUFSIZE], rbuf[TESTBUFSIZE];
xoff_t offset = 0;
size_t i;
size_t oc, rc;
xoff_t diffs = 0;
if ((orig = fopen (tgt, "r")) == NULL)
XPR(NT "open %s failed\n", tgt);
return get_errno ();
if ((recons = fopen (rec, "r")) == NULL)
XPR(NT "open %s failed\n", rec);
return get_errno ();
for (;;)
oc = fread (obuf, 1, TESTBUFSIZE, orig);
rc = fread (rbuf, 1, TESTBUFSIZE, recons);
if (oc != rc)
return XD3_INTERNAL;
if (oc == 0)
for (i = 0; i < oc; i += 1)
if (obuf[i] != rbuf[i])
XPR(NT "byte %u (read %u @ %"Q"u) %d != %d\n",
(int)i, (int)oc, offset, obuf[i], rbuf[i]);
return XD3_INTERNAL;
offset += oc;
fclose (orig);
fclose (recons);
if (diffs != 0)
return XD3_INTERNAL;
return 0;
static int
test_copy_to (const char *from, const char *to)
char buf[TESTBUFSIZE];
int ret;
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "cp -f %s %s", from, to);
if ((ret = system (buf)) != 0)
return XD3_INTERNAL;
return 0;
static int
test_save_copy (const char *origname)
return test_copy_to(origname, TEST_COPY_FILE);
static int
test_file_size (const char* file, xoff_t *size)
struct stat sbuf;
int ret;
(*size) = 0;
if (stat (file, & sbuf) < 0)
ret = get_errno ();
XPR(NT "stat failed: %s: %s\n", file, strerror (ret));
return ret;
if (! S_ISREG (sbuf.st_mode))
XPR(NT "not a regular file: %s: %s\n", file, strerror (ret));
return ret;
(*size) = sbuf.st_size;
return 0;
/* Common test for read_integer errors: encodes a 64-bit value and
* then attempts to read as a 32-bit value. If TRUNC is non-zero,
* attempts to get errors by shortening the input, otherwise it should
* overflow. Expects XD3_INTERNAL and MSG. */
static int
test_read_integer_error (xd3_stream *stream, usize_t trunto, const char *msg)
uint64_t eval = 1ULL << 34;
uint32_t rval;
xd3_output *buf = NULL;
const uint8_t *max;
const uint8_t *inp;
int ret;
buf = xd3_alloc_output (stream, buf);
if ((ret = xd3_emit_uint64_t (stream, & buf, eval)))
goto fail;
inp = buf->base;
max = buf->base + buf->next - trunto;
if ((ret = xd3_read_uint32_t (stream, & inp, max, & rval)) !=
!MSG_IS (msg))
else if (trunto && trunto < buf->next)
trunto += 1;
goto again;
ret = 0;
xd3_free_output (stream, buf);
return ret;
/* Test integer overflow using the above routine. */
static int
test_decode_integer_overflow (xd3_stream *stream, int unused)
return test_read_integer_error (stream, 0, "overflow in read_intger");
/* Test integer EOI using the above routine. */
static int
test_decode_integer_end_of_input (xd3_stream *stream, int unused)
return test_read_integer_error (stream, 1, "end-of-input in read_integer");
/* Test that emit_integer/decode_integer/sizeof_integer/read_integer
* work on correct inputs. Tests powers of (2^7), plus or minus, up
* to the maximum value. */
xd3_output *rbuf = NULL; \
xd3_output *dbuf = NULL; \
TYPE values[64]; \
usize_t nvalues = 0; \
usize_t i; \
int ret = 0; \
for (i = 0; i < (sizeof (TYPE) * 8); i += 7) \
{ \
values[nvalues++] = (ONE << i) - ONE; \
values[nvalues++] = (ONE << i); \
values[nvalues++] = (ONE << i) + ONE; \
} \
values[nvalues++] = MAX-ONE; \
values[nvalues++] = MAX; \
rbuf = xd3_alloc_output (stream, rbuf); \
dbuf = xd3_alloc_output (stream, dbuf); \
for (i = 0; i < nvalues; i += 1) \
{ \
const uint8_t *max; \
const uint8_t *inp; \
TYPE val; \
DOT (); \
rbuf->next = 0; \
if ((ret = xd3_emit_ ## TYPE (stream, & rbuf, values[i])) || \
(ret = xd3_emit_ ## TYPE (stream, & dbuf, values[i]))) \
{ \
goto fail; \
} \
inp = rbuf->base; \
max = rbuf->base + rbuf->next; \
if (rbuf->next != xd3_sizeof_ ## TYPE (values[i])) \
{ \
ret = XD3_INTERNAL; \
goto fail; \
} \
if ((ret = xd3_read_ ## TYPE (stream, & inp, max, & val))) \
{ \
goto fail; \
} \
if (val != values[i]) \
{ \
ret = XD3_INTERNAL; \
goto fail; \
} \
DOT (); \
} \
stream->next_in = dbuf->base; \
stream->avail_in = dbuf->next; \
for (i = 0; i < nvalues; i += 1) \
{ \
TYPE val; \
if ((ret = xd3_decode_ ## TYPE (stream, & val))) \
{ \
goto fail; \
} \
if (val != values[i]) \
{ \
ret = XD3_INTERNAL; \
goto fail; \
} \
} \
if (stream->avail_in != 0) \
{ \
ret = XD3_INTERNAL; \
goto fail; \
} \
fail: \
xd3_free_output (stream, rbuf); \
xd3_free_output (stream, dbuf); \
return ret
static int
test_encode_decode_uint32_t (xd3_stream *stream, int unused)
static int
test_encode_decode_uint64_t (xd3_stream *stream, int unused)
static int
test_usize_t_overflow (xd3_stream *stream, int unused)
if (USIZE_T_OVERFLOW (USIZE_T_MAX, 0)) { goto fail; }
if (USIZE_T_OVERFLOW (0, USIZE_T_MAX)) { goto fail; }
if (USIZE_T_OVERFLOW (USIZE_T_MAX / 2, USIZE_T_MAX / 2)) { goto fail; }
if (USIZE_T_OVERFLOW (USIZE_T_MAX / 2, USIZE_T_MAX / 2 + 1)) { goto fail; }
if (! USIZE_T_OVERFLOW (USIZE_T_MAX, 1)) { goto fail; }
if (! USIZE_T_OVERFLOW (1, USIZE_T_MAX)) { goto fail; }
if (! USIZE_T_OVERFLOW (USIZE_T_MAX / 2 + 1, USIZE_T_MAX / 2 + 1)) { goto fail; }
return 0;
stream->msg = "incorrect overflow computation";
return XD3_INTERNAL;
static int
test_forward_match (xd3_stream *stream, int unused)
usize_t i;
uint8_t buf1[256], buf2[256];
memset(buf1, 0, 256);
memset(buf2, 0, 256);
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
CHECK(xd3_forward_match(buf1, buf2, i) == i);
for (i = 0; i < 255; i++)
buf2[i] = 1;
CHECK(xd3_forward_match(buf1, buf2, 256) == i);
buf2[i] = 0;
return 0;
Address cache
static int
test_address_cache (xd3_stream *stream, int unused)
int ret;
usize_t i;
usize_t offset;
usize_t *addrs;
uint8_t *big_buf, *buf_max;
const uint8_t *buf;
xd3_output *outp;
uint8_t *modes;
int mode_counts[16];
stream->acache.s_near = stream->code_table_desc->near_modes;
stream->acache.s_same = stream->code_table_desc->same_modes;
if ((ret = xd3_encode_init_partial (stream))) { return ret; }
addrs = (usize_t*) xd3_alloc (stream, sizeof (usize_t), ADDR_CACHE_ROUNDS);
modes = (uint8_t*) xd3_alloc (stream, sizeof (uint8_t), ADDR_CACHE_ROUNDS);
memset (mode_counts, 0, sizeof (mode_counts));
memset (modes, 0, ADDR_CACHE_ROUNDS);
addrs[0] = 0;
mt_init (& static_mtrand, 0x9f73f7fc);
/* First pass: encode addresses */
xd3_init_cache (& stream->acache);
for (offset = 1; offset < ADDR_CACHE_ROUNDS; offset += 1)
double p;
usize_t addr;
usize_t prev_i;
usize_t nearby;
p = (mt_random (&static_mtrand) / (double)UINT32_MAX);
prev_i = mt_random (&static_mtrand) % offset;
nearby = (mt_random (&static_mtrand) % 256) % offset;
nearby = xd3_max (1U, nearby);
if (p < 0.1) { addr = addrs[offset-nearby]; }
else if (p < 0.4) { addr = xd3_min (addrs[prev_i] + nearby, offset-1); }
else { addr = prev_i; }
if ((ret = xd3_encode_address (stream, addr, offset, & modes[offset]))) { return ret; }
addrs[offset] = addr;
mode_counts[modes[offset]] += 1;
/* Copy addresses into a contiguous buffer. */
big_buf = (uint8_t*) xd3_alloc (stream, xd3_sizeof_output (ADDR_HEAD (stream)), 1);
for (offset = 0, outp = ADDR_HEAD (stream); outp != NULL; offset += outp->next, outp = outp->next_page)
memcpy (big_buf + offset, outp->base, outp->next);
buf_max = big_buf + offset;
buf = big_buf;
/* Second pass: decode addresses */
xd3_init_cache (& stream->acache);
for (offset = 1; offset < ADDR_CACHE_ROUNDS; offset += 1)
usize_t addr;
if ((ret = xd3_decode_address (stream, offset, modes[offset],
& buf, buf_max, & addr)))
return ret;
if (addr != addrs[offset])
stream->msg = "incorrect decoded address";
return XD3_INTERNAL;
/* Check that every byte, mode was used. */
if (buf != buf_max)
stream->msg = "address bytes not used";
return XD3_INTERNAL;
for (i = 0; i < (2 + stream->acache.s_same + stream->acache.s_near); i += 1)
if (mode_counts[i] == 0)
stream->msg = "address mode not used";
return XD3_INTERNAL;
xd3_free (stream, modes);
xd3_free (stream, addrs);
xd3_free (stream, big_buf);
return 0;
Encode and decode with single bit error
/* It compresses from 256 to around 185 bytes.
* Avoids matching addresses that are a single-bit difference.
* Avoids matching address 0. */
static const uint8_t test_text[] =
"this is a story\n"
"- his is a stor\n"
"- about nothing "
" all. boutique -"
"his story is a -"
"about "
"what happens all"
" the time what -"
"am I ttttttt the"
" person said, so"
" what, per son -"
" gory story is -"
" about nothing -"
"tttttt to test -"
"his sto nothing";
static const uint8_t test_apphead[] = "header test";
static int
test_compress_text (xd3_stream *stream,
uint8_t *encoded,
usize_t *encoded_size)
int ret;
xd3_config cfg;
int oflags = stream->flags;
int flags = stream->flags | XD3_FLUSH;
xd3_free_stream (stream);
xd3_init_config (& cfg, flags);
/* This configuration is fixed so that the "expected non-error" the counts in
* decompress_single_bit_errors are too. See test_coftcfg_str. */
cfg.smatch_cfg = XD3_SMATCH_SOFT; = "test";
cfg.smatcher_soft.large_look = 64; /* no source, not used */
cfg.smatcher_soft.large_step = 64; /* no source, not used */
cfg.smatcher_soft.small_look = 4;
cfg.smatcher_soft.small_chain = 128;
cfg.smatcher_soft.small_lchain = 16;
cfg.smatcher_soft.max_lazy = 8;
cfg.smatcher_soft.long_enough = 128;
xd3_config_stream (stream, & cfg);
(*encoded_size) = 0;
xd3_set_appheader (stream, test_apphead,
(usize_t) strlen ((char*) test_apphead));
if ((ret = xd3_encode_stream (stream, test_text, sizeof (test_text),
encoded, encoded_size, 4*sizeof (test_text)))) { goto fail; }
if ((ret = xd3_close_stream (stream))) { goto fail; }
xd3_free_stream (stream);
xd3_init_config (& cfg, oflags);
xd3_config_stream (stream, & cfg);
return ret;
static int
test_decompress_text (xd3_stream *stream, uint8_t *enc, usize_t enc_size, usize_t test_desize)
xd3_config cfg;
char decoded[sizeof (test_text)];
uint8_t *apphead;
usize_t apphead_size;
usize_t decoded_size;
const char *msg;
int ret;
usize_t pos = 0;
int flags = stream->flags;
usize_t take;
/* Test decoding test_desize input bytes at a time */
take = xd3_min (enc_size - pos, test_desize);
CHECK(take > 0);
xd3_avail_input (stream, enc + pos, take);
ret = xd3_decode_input (stream);
pos += take;
take = 0;
switch (ret)
case XD3_OUTPUT:
goto again;
case XD3_INPUT:
if (pos < enc_size) { goto input; }
/* else fallthrough */
goto fail;
CHECK(pos == enc_size);
if (stream->avail_out != sizeof (test_text))
stream->msg = "incorrect output size";
goto fail;
decoded_size = stream->avail_out;
memcpy (decoded, stream->next_out, stream->avail_out);
xd3_consume_output (stream);
if ((ret = xd3_get_appheader (stream, & apphead, & apphead_size))) { goto fail; }
if (apphead_size != strlen ((char*) test_apphead) ||
memcmp (apphead, test_apphead, strlen ((char*) test_apphead)) != 0)
stream->msg = "incorrect appheader";
goto fail;
if ((ret = xd3_decode_input (stream)) != XD3_WINFINISH ||
(ret = xd3_close_stream (stream)) != 0)
goto fail;
if (decoded_size != sizeof (test_text) ||
memcmp (decoded, test_text, sizeof (test_text)) != 0)
stream->msg = "incorrect output text";
ret = EIO;
msg = stream->msg;
xd3_free_stream (stream);
xd3_init_config (& cfg, flags);
xd3_config_stream (stream, & cfg);
stream->msg = msg;
return ret;
static int
test_decompress_single_bit_error (xd3_stream *stream, int expected_non_failures)
int ret;
usize_t i;
uint8_t encoded[4*sizeof (test_text)]; /* make room for alt code table */
usize_t encoded_size;
int non_failures = 0;
int cksum = (stream->flags & XD3_ADLER32) != 0;
/* For checking non-failure cases by hand, enable this macro and run
* xdelta printdelta with print_cpymode disabled. Every non-failure
* should change a copy address mode, which doesn't cause a failure
* because the address cache starts out with all zeros.
./xdelta3 test
for i in test_text.xz.*; do ./xdelta3 printdelta $i > $i.out;
diff $i.out test_text.xz.0.out; done
system ("rm -rf test_text.*");
char buf[TESTBUFSIZE];
FILE *f;
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "test_text");
f = fopen (buf, "w");
fwrite (test_text,1,sizeof (test_text),f);
fclose (f);
#define TEST_FAILURES() \
do { \
char buf[TESTBUFSIZE]; \
FILE *f; \
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "test_text.xz.%d", non_failures); \
f = fopen (buf, "w"); \
fwrite (encoded,1,encoded_size,f); \
fclose (f); \
} while (0)
stream->sec_data.inefficient = 1;
stream->sec_inst.inefficient = 1;
stream->sec_addr.inefficient = 1;
/* Encode text, test correct input */
if ((ret = test_compress_text (stream, encoded, & encoded_size)))
/*stream->msg = "without error: encode failure";*/
return ret;
if ((ret = test_decompress_text (stream, encoded, encoded_size,
sizeof (test_text) / 4)))
/*stream->msg = "without error: decode failure";*/
return ret;
for (i = 0; i < encoded_size*8; i += 1)
/* Single bit error. */
encoded[i/8] ^= 1 << (i%8);
if ((ret = test_decompress_text (stream, encoded,
encoded_size, sizeof (test_text))) == 0)
non_failures += 1;
XPR(NT "%u[%u] non-failure %u\n", i/8, i%8, non_failures);
/*XPR(NT "%u[%u] failure: %s\n", i/8, i%8, stream->msg);*/
/* decompress_text returns EIO when the final memcmp() fails, but that
* should never happen with checksumming on. */
if (cksum && ret == EIO)
/*XPR(NT "%u[%u] cksum mismatch\n", i/8, i%8);*/
stream->msg = "checksum mismatch";
return XD3_INTERNAL;
/* Undo single bit error. */
encoded[i/8] ^= 1 << (i%8);
/* Test correct input again */
if ((ret = test_decompress_text (stream, encoded, encoded_size, 1)))
/*stream->msg = "without error: decode failure";*/
return ret;
/* Check expected non-failures */
if (non_failures > expected_non_failures)
XPR(NT "non-failures %u > expected %u",
non_failures, expected_non_failures);
stream->msg = "incorrect";
return XD3_INTERNAL;
DOT ();
return 0;
Secondary compression tests
typedef int (*sec_dist_func) (xd3_stream *stream, xd3_output *data);
static int sec_dist_func1 (xd3_stream *stream, xd3_output *data);
static int sec_dist_func2 (xd3_stream *stream, xd3_output *data);
static int sec_dist_func3 (xd3_stream *stream, xd3_output *data);
static int sec_dist_func4 (xd3_stream *stream, xd3_output *data);
static int sec_dist_func5 (xd3_stream *stream, xd3_output *data);
static int sec_dist_func6 (xd3_stream *stream, xd3_output *data);
static int sec_dist_func7 (xd3_stream *stream, xd3_output *data);
static int sec_dist_func8 (xd3_stream *stream, xd3_output *data);
static int sec_dist_func9 (xd3_stream *stream, xd3_output *data);
static int sec_dist_func10 (xd3_stream *stream, xd3_output *data);
static int sec_dist_func11 (xd3_stream *stream, xd3_output *data);
static sec_dist_func sec_dists[] =
/* Test ditsribution: 100 bytes of the same character (13). */
static int
sec_dist_func1 (xd3_stream *stream, xd3_output *data)
int i, ret;
for (i = 0; i < 100; i += 1)
if ((ret = xd3_emit_byte (stream, & data, 13))) { return ret; }
return 0;
/* Test ditsribution: uniform covering half the alphabet. */
static int
sec_dist_func2 (xd3_stream *stream, xd3_output *data)
int i, ret;
for (i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; i += 1)
if ((ret = xd3_emit_byte (stream, & data, i%(ALPHABET_SIZE/2)))) { return ret; }
return 0;
/* Test ditsribution: uniform covering the entire alphabet. */
static int
sec_dist_func3 (xd3_stream *stream, xd3_output *data)
int i, ret;
for (i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; i += 1)
if ((ret = xd3_emit_byte (stream, & data, i%ALPHABET_SIZE))) { return ret; }
return 0;
/* Test distribution: An exponential distribution covering half the alphabet */
static int
sec_dist_func4 (xd3_stream *stream, xd3_output *data)
int i, ret, x;
for (i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE*20; i += 1)
x = mt_exp_rand (10, ALPHABET_SIZE/2);
if ((ret = xd3_emit_byte (stream, & data, x))) { return ret; }
return 0;
/* Test distribution: An exponential distribution covering the entire alphabet */
static int
sec_dist_func5 (xd3_stream *stream, xd3_output *data)
int i, ret, x;
for (i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE*20; i += 1)
x = mt_exp_rand (10, ALPHABET_SIZE-1);
if ((ret = xd3_emit_byte (stream, & data, x))) { return ret; }
return 0;
/* Test distribution: An uniform random distribution covering half the alphabet */
static int
sec_dist_func6 (xd3_stream *stream, xd3_output *data)
int i, ret, x;
for (i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE*20; i += 1)
x = mt_random (&static_mtrand) % (ALPHABET_SIZE/2);
if ((ret = xd3_emit_byte (stream, & data, x))) { return ret; }
return 0;
/* Test distribution: An uniform random distribution covering the entire alphabet */
static int
sec_dist_func7 (xd3_stream *stream, xd3_output *data)
int i, ret, x;
for (i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE*200; i += 1)
x = mt_random (&static_mtrand) % ALPHABET_SIZE;
if ((ret = xd3_emit_byte (stream, & data, x))) { return ret; }
return 0;
/* Test distribution: A small number of frequent characters, difficult
* to divide into many groups */
static int
sec_dist_func8 (xd3_stream *stream, xd3_output *data)
int i, ret;
for (i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE*5; i += 1)
if ((ret = xd3_emit_byte (stream, & data, 0))) { return ret; }
if ((ret = xd3_emit_byte (stream, & data, 64))) { return ret; }
if ((ret = xd3_emit_byte (stream, & data, 128))) { return ret; }
if ((ret = xd3_emit_byte (stream, & data, 255))) { return ret; }
return 0;
/* Test distribution: One that causes many FGK block promotions (found a bug) */
static int
sec_dist_func9 (xd3_stream *stream, xd3_output *data)
int i, ret;
int ramp = 0;
int rcount = 0;
int prom = 0;
int pcount = 0;
/* 200 was long enough to trigger it--only when stricter checking
* that counted all blocks was turned on, but it seems I deleted
* this code. (missing fgk_free_block on line 398). */
for (i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE*200; i += 1)
if (ramp < ALPHABET_SIZE)
/* Initially Nth symbol has (N+1) frequency */
if (rcount <= ramp)
rcount += 1;
if ((ret = xd3_emit_byte (stream, & data, ramp))) { return ret; }
ramp += 1;
rcount = 0;
goto repeat;
/* Thereafter, promote least freq to max freq */
if (pcount == ALPHABET_SIZE)
pcount = 0;
prom = (prom + 1) % ALPHABET_SIZE;
pcount += 1;
if ((ret = xd3_emit_byte (stream, & data, prom))) { return ret; }
return 0;
/* Test distribution: freq[i] == i*i, creates a 21-bit code length, fixed in 3.0r. */
static int
sec_dist_func10 (xd3_stream *stream, xd3_output *data)
int i, j, ret;
for (i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; i += 1)
for (j = 0; j <= (i*i); j += 1)
if ((ret = xd3_emit_byte (stream, & data, i))) { return ret; }
return 0;
/* Test distribution: fibonacci */
static int
sec_dist_func11 (xd3_stream *stream, xd3_output *data)
int sum0 = 0;
int sum1 = 1;
int i, j, ret;
for (i = 0; i < 33; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < (sum0 + sum1); ++j)
if ((ret = xd3_emit_byte (stream, & data, i))) { return ret; }
sum0 = sum1;
sum1 = j;
return 0;
static int
test_secondary_decode (xd3_stream *stream,
const xd3_sec_type *sec,
usize_t input_size,
usize_t compress_size,
const uint8_t *dec_input,
const uint8_t *dec_correct,
uint8_t *dec_output)
int ret;
xd3_sec_stream *dec_stream;
const uint8_t *dec_input_used, *dec_input_end;
uint8_t *dec_output_used, *dec_output_end;
if ((dec_stream = sec->alloc (stream)) == NULL) { return ENOMEM; }
if ((ret = sec->init (stream, dec_stream, 0)) != 0) { goto fail; }
dec_input_used = dec_input;
dec_input_end = dec_input + compress_size;
dec_output_used = dec_output;
dec_output_end = dec_output + input_size;
if ((ret = sec->decode (stream, dec_stream,
& dec_input_used, dec_input_end,
& dec_output_used, dec_output_end)))
goto fail;
if (dec_input_used != dec_input_end)
stream->msg = "unused input";
goto fail;
if (dec_output_used != dec_output_end)
stream->msg = "unfinished output";
goto fail;
if (memcmp (dec_output, dec_correct, input_size) != 0)
stream->msg = "incorrect output";
goto fail;
sec->destroy (stream, dec_stream);
return ret;
static int
test_secondary (xd3_stream *stream, const xd3_sec_type *sec, usize_t groups)
usize_t test_i;
int ret;
xd3_output *in_head, *out_head, *p;
usize_t p_off, input_size, compress_size;
uint8_t *dec_input = NULL, *dec_output = NULL, *dec_correct = NULL;
xd3_sec_stream *enc_stream;
xd3_sec_cfg cfg;
memset (& cfg, 0, sizeof (cfg));
cfg.inefficient = 1;
for (cfg.ngroups = 1; cfg.ngroups <= groups; cfg.ngroups += 1)
XPR(NTR "\n...");
for (test_i = 0; test_i < SIZEOF_ARRAY (sec_dists); test_i += 1)
mt_init (& static_mtrand, 0x9f73f7fc);
in_head = xd3_alloc_output (stream, NULL);
out_head = xd3_alloc_output (stream, NULL);
enc_stream = sec->alloc (stream);
dec_input = NULL;
dec_output = NULL;
dec_correct = NULL;
if (in_head == NULL || out_head == NULL || enc_stream == NULL)
goto nomem;
if ((ret = sec_dists[test_i] (stream, in_head))) { goto fail; }
if ((ret = sec->init (stream, enc_stream, 1)) != 0) { goto fail; }
/* Encode data */
if ((ret = sec->encode (stream, enc_stream,
in_head, out_head, & cfg)))
XPR(NT "test %"W"u: encode: %s", test_i, stream->msg);
goto fail;
/* Calculate sizes, allocate contiguous arrays for decoding */
input_size = xd3_sizeof_output (in_head);
compress_size = xd3_sizeof_output (out_head);
XPR(NTR "%.3f", 8.0 * (double) compress_size / (double) input_size);
if ((dec_input = (uint8_t*) xd3_alloc (stream, compress_size, 1)) == NULL ||
(dec_output = (uint8_t*) xd3_alloc (stream, input_size, 1)) == NULL ||
(dec_correct = (uint8_t*) xd3_alloc (stream, input_size, 1)) == NULL)
goto nomem;
/* Fill the compressed data array */
for (p_off = 0, p = out_head; p != NULL;
p_off += p->next, p = p->next_page)
memcpy (dec_input + p_off, p->base, p->next);
CHECK(p_off == compress_size);
/* Fill the input data array */
for (p_off = 0, p = in_head; p != NULL;
p_off += p->next, p = p->next_page)
memcpy (dec_correct + p_off, p->base, p->next);
CHECK(p_off == input_size);
if ((ret = test_secondary_decode (stream, sec, input_size,
compress_size, dec_input,
dec_correct, dec_output)))
XPR(NT "test %"W"u: decode: %s", test_i, stream->msg);
goto fail;
/* Single-bit error test, only cover the first 10 bytes.
* Some non-failures are expected in the Huffman case:
* Changing the clclen array, for example, may not harm the
* decoding. Really looking for faults here. */
int i;
int bytes = xd3_min (compress_size, 10U);
for (i = 0; i < bytes * 8; i += 1)
dec_input[i/8] ^= 1 << (i%8);
if ((ret = test_secondary_decode (stream, sec, input_size,
compress_size, dec_input,
dec_correct, dec_output))
== 0)
/*XPR(NT "test %u: decode single-bit [%u/%u]
error non-failure", test_i, i/8, i%8);*/
dec_input[i/8] ^= 1 << (i%8);
if ((i % (2*bytes)) == (2*bytes)-1)
DOT ();
ret = 0;
if (0) { nomem: ret = ENOMEM; }
sec->destroy (stream, enc_stream);
xd3_free_output (stream, in_head);
xd3_free_output (stream, out_head);
xd3_free (stream, dec_input);
xd3_free (stream, dec_output);
xd3_free (stream, dec_correct);
if (ret != 0) { return ret; }
return 0;
IF_FGK (static int test_secondary_fgk (xd3_stream *stream, usize_t gp)
{ return test_secondary (stream, & fgk_sec_type, gp); })
IF_DJW (static int test_secondary_huff (xd3_stream *stream, usize_t gp)
{ return test_secondary (stream, & djw_sec_type, gp); })
IF_LZMA (static int test_secondary_lzma (xd3_stream *stream, usize_t gp)
{ return test_secondary (stream, & lzma_sec_type, gp); })
#endif /* SECONDARY_ANY */
/* Test that xd3_choose_instruction() does the right thing for its code
* table. */
static int
test_choose_instruction (xd3_stream *stream, int ignore)
int i;
stream->code_table = (*stream->code_table_func) ();
for (i = 0; i < 256; i += 1)
const xd3_dinst *d = stream->code_table + i;
xd3_rinst prev, inst;
CHECK(d->type1 > 0);
memset (& prev, 0, sizeof (prev));
memset (& inst, 0, sizeof (inst));
if (d->type2 == 0)
inst.type = d->type1;
if ((inst.size = d->size1) == 0)
inst.size = TESTBUFSIZE;
XD3_CHOOSE_INSTRUCTION (stream, NULL, & inst);
if (inst.code2 != 0 || inst.code1 != i)
stream->msg = "wrong single instruction";
return XD3_INTERNAL;
prev.type = d->type1;
prev.size = d->size1;
inst.type = d->type2;
inst.size = d->size2;
XD3_CHOOSE_INSTRUCTION (stream, & prev, & inst);
if (prev.code2 != i)
stream->msg = "wrong double instruction";
return XD3_INTERNAL;
return 0;
static int
test_checksum_step (xd3_stream *stream, int ignore)
const int bufsize = 128;
uint8_t buf[128];
for (int i = 0; i < bufsize; i++)
buf[i] = mt_random (&static_mtrand) & 0xff;
for (usize_t cksize = 4; cksize <= 32; cksize += 3)
xd3_hash_cfg h1;
usize_t x;
int ret;
if ((ret = xd3_size_hashtable (stream, XD3_ALLOCSIZE, cksize, &h1)) != 0)
return ret;
x = xd3_large_cksum (&h1, buf, cksize);
for (usize_t pos = 0; pos <= (bufsize - cksize); pos++)
usize_t y = xd3_large_cksum (&h1, buf + pos, cksize);
if (x != y)
stream->msg = "checksum != incremental checksum";
return XD3_INTERNAL;
x = xd3_large_cksum_update (&h1, x, buf + pos, cksize);
xd3_free (stream, h1.powers);
return 0;
/* This test encodes and decodes a series of 1 megabyte windows, each
* containing a long run of zeros along with a single xoff_t size
* record to indicate the sequence. */
static int
test_streaming (xd3_stream *in_stream, uint8_t *encbuf, uint8_t *decbuf, uint8_t *delbuf, usize_t megs)
xd3_stream estream, dstream;
int ret;
usize_t i, delsize, decsize;
xd3_config cfg;
xd3_init_config (& cfg, in_stream->flags);
cfg.flags |= XD3_COMPLEVEL_6;
if ((ret = xd3_config_stream (& estream, & cfg)) ||
(ret = xd3_config_stream (& dstream, & cfg)))
goto fail;
for (i = 0; i < megs; i += 1)
((usize_t*) encbuf)[0] = i;
if ((i % 200) == 199) { DOT (); }
if ((ret = xd3_process_stream (1, & estream, xd3_encode_input, 0,
encbuf, 1 << 20,
delbuf, & delsize, 1 << 20)))
in_stream->msg = estream.msg;
goto fail;
if ((ret = xd3_process_stream (0, & dstream, xd3_decode_input, 0,
delbuf, delsize,
decbuf, & decsize, 1 << 20)))
in_stream->msg = dstream.msg;
goto fail;
if (decsize != 1 << 20 ||
memcmp (encbuf, decbuf, 1 << 20) != 0)
in_stream->msg = "wrong result";
goto fail;
if ((ret = xd3_close_stream (& estream)) ||
(ret = xd3_close_stream (& dstream)))
goto fail;
xd3_free_stream (& estream);
xd3_free_stream (& dstream);
return ret;
/* Run tests of data streaming of over and around 4GB of data. */
static int
test_compressed_stream_overflow (xd3_stream *stream, int ignore)
int ret;
int i;
uint8_t *buf;
if ((buf = (uint8_t*) malloc (TWO_MEGS_AND_DELTA)) == NULL) { return ENOMEM; }
memset (buf, 0, TWO_MEGS_AND_DELTA);
for (i = 0; i < (2 << 20); i += 256)
int j;
int off = mt_random(& static_mtrand) % 10;
for (j = 0; j < 256; j++)
buf[i + j] = j + off;
/* Test overflow of a 32-bit file offset. */
if (SIZEOF_XOFF_T == 4)
ret = test_streaming (stream, buf, buf + (1 << 20), buf + (2 << 20), (1 << 12) + 1);
if (ret == XD3_INVALID_INPUT && MSG_IS ("decoder file offset overflow"))
ret = 0;
XPR(NT XD3_LIB_ERRMSG (stream, ret));
stream->msg = "expected overflow condition";
goto fail;
/* Test transfer of exactly 32bits worth of data. */
if ((ret = test_streaming (stream,
buf + (1 << 20),
buf + (2 << 20),
1 << 12)))
goto fail;
free (buf);
return ret;
/* For each pair of command templates in the array below, test that
* encoding and decoding commands work. Also check for the expected
* size delta, which should be approximately TEST_ADD_RATIO times the
* file size created by test_make_inputs. Due to differences in the
* application header, it is suppressed (-A) so that all delta files
* are the same. */
static int
test_command_line_arguments (xd3_stream *stream, int ignore)
int i, ret;
static const char* cmdpairs[] =
/* standard input, output */
"%s %s -A < %s > %s", "%s -d < %s > %s",
"%s %s -A -e < %s > %s", "%s -d < %s > %s",
"%s %s -A= encode < %s > %s", "%s decode < %s > %s",
"%s %s -A -q encode < %s > %s", "%s -qdq < %s > %s",
/* file input, standard output */
"%s %s -A= %s > %s", "%s -d %s > %s",
"%s %s -A -e %s > %s", "%s -d %s > %s",
"%s %s encode -A= %s > %s", "%s decode %s > %s",
/* file input, output */
"%s %s -A= %s %s", "%s -d %s %s",
"%s %s -A -e %s %s", "%s -d %s %s",
"%s %s -A= encode %s %s", "%s decode %s %s",
/* option placement */
"%s %s -A -f %s %s", "%s -f -d %s %s",
"%s %s -e -A= %s %s", "%s -d -f %s %s",
"%s %s -f encode -A= %s %s", "%s -f decode -f %s %s",
int pairs = SIZEOF_ARRAY (cmdpairs) / 2;
xoff_t tsize;
xoff_t dsize;
double ratio;
mt_init (& static_mtrand, 0x9f73f7fc);
for (i = 0; i < pairs; i += 1)
test_setup ();
if ((ret = test_make_inputs (stream, NULL, & tsize))) { return ret; }
snprintf_func (ecmd, TESTBUFSIZE, cmdpairs[2*i], program_name,
snprintf_func (dcmd, TESTBUFSIZE, cmdpairs[2*i+1], program_name,
/* Encode and decode. */
if ((ret = system (ecmd)) != 0)
XPR(NT "encode command: %s\n", ecmd);
stream->msg = "encode cmd failed";
return XD3_INTERNAL;
if ((ret = system (dcmd)) != 0)
XPR(NT "decode command: %s\n", dcmd);
stream->msg = "decode cmd failed";
return XD3_INTERNAL;
/* Compare the target file. */
if ((ret = test_compare_files (TEST_TARGET_FILE, TEST_RECON_FILE)))
return ret;
if ((ret = test_file_size (TEST_DELTA_FILE, & dsize)))
return ret;
ratio = (double) dsize / (double) tsize;
/* Check that it is not too small, not too large. */
XPR(NT "test encode with size ratio %.4f, "
"expected < %.4f (%"Q"u, %"Q"u)\n",
ratio, TEST_ADD_RATIO + TEST_EPSILON, dsize, tsize);
stream->msg = "strange encoding";
return XD3_INTERNAL;
if (ratio <= TEST_ADD_RATIO * (1.0 - 2 * TEST_EPSILON))
XPR(NT "test encode with size ratio %.4f, "
"expected > %.4f\n",
stream->msg = "strange encoding";
return XD3_INTERNAL;
/* Also check that test_compare_files works. The delta and original should
* not be identical. */
if ((ret = test_compare_files (TEST_DELTA_FILE,
stream->msg = "broken test_compare_files";
return XD3_INTERNAL;
test_cleanup ();
DOT ();
return 0;
static int
check_vcdiff_header (xd3_stream *stream,
const char *input,
const char *line_start,
const char *matches,
int yes_or_no)
int ret;
snprintf_func (vcmd, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s printhdr -f %s %s",
program_name, input, TEST_RECON2_FILE);
if ((ret = system (vcmd)) != 0)
XPR(NT "printhdr command: %s\n", vcmd);
stream->msg = "printhdr cmd failed";
return XD3_INTERNAL;
snprintf_func (gcmd, TESTBUFSIZE, "grep \"%s.*%s.*\" %s > /dev/null",
line_start, matches, TEST_RECON2_FILE);
if (yes_or_no)
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, gcmd)))
XPR(NT "%s\n", gcmd);
return ret;
if ((ret = do_fail (stream, gcmd)))
XPR(NT "%s\n", gcmd);
return ret;
return 0;
static int
test_recode_command2 (xd3_stream *stream, int has_source,
int variant, int change)
int has_adler32 = (variant & 0x1) != 0;
int has_apphead = (variant & 0x2) != 0;
int has_secondary = (variant & 0x4) != 0;
int change_adler32 = (change & 0x1) != 0;
int change_apphead = (change & 0x2) != 0;
int change_secondary = (change & 0x4) != 0;
int recoded_adler32 = change_adler32 ? !has_adler32 : has_adler32;
int recoded_apphead = change_apphead ? !has_apphead : has_apphead;
int recoded_secondary = change_secondary ? !has_secondary : has_secondary;
xoff_t tsize, ssize;
int ret;
test_setup ();
if ((ret = test_make_inputs (stream, has_source ? & ssize : NULL, & tsize)))
return ret;
/* First encode */
snprintf_func (ecmd, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s %s -f %s %s %s %s %s %s %s",
program_name, test_softcfg_str,
has_adler32 ? "" : "-n ",
has_apphead ? "-A=encode_apphead " : "-A= ",
has_secondary ? "-S djw " : "-S none ",
has_source ? "-s " : "",
has_source ? TEST_SOURCE_FILE : "",
if ((ret = system (ecmd)) != 0)
XPR(NT "encode command: %s\n", ecmd);
stream->msg = "encode cmd failed";
return XD3_INTERNAL;
/* Now recode */
snprintf_func (recmd, TESTBUFSIZE,
"%s recode %s -f %s %s %s %s %s", program_name, test_softcfg_str,
recoded_adler32 ? "" : "-n ",
!change_apphead ? "" :
(recoded_apphead ? "-A=recode_apphead " : "-A= "),
recoded_secondary ? "-S djw " : "-S= ",
if ((ret = system (recmd)) != 0)
XPR(NT "recode command: %s\n", recmd);
stream->msg = "recode cmd failed";
return XD3_INTERNAL;
/* Check recode changes. */
if ((ret = check_vcdiff_header (stream,
"VCDIFF window indicator",
has_source))) { return ret; }
if ((ret = check_vcdiff_header (stream,
"VCDIFF header indicator",
recoded_secondary))) { return ret; }
if ((ret = check_vcdiff_header (stream,
"VCDIFF window indicator",
/* Recode can't generate an adler32
* checksum, it can only preserve it or
* remove it. */
has_adler32 && recoded_adler32)))
return ret;
if (!change_apphead)
if ((ret = check_vcdiff_header (stream,
"VCDIFF header indicator",
return ret;
if ((ret = check_vcdiff_header (stream,
"VCDIFF application header",
return ret;
if ((ret = check_vcdiff_header (stream,
"VCDIFF header indicator",
return ret;
if (recoded_apphead &&
(ret = check_vcdiff_header (stream,
"VCDIFF application header",
return ret;
/* Now decode */
snprintf_func (dcmd, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s -fd %s %s %s %s ", program_name,
has_source ? "-s " : "",
has_source ? TEST_SOURCE_FILE : "",
if ((ret = system (dcmd)) != 0)
XPR(NT "decode command: %s\n", dcmd);
stream->msg = "decode cmd failed";
return XD3_INTERNAL;
/* Now compare. */
if ((ret = test_compare_files (TEST_TARGET_FILE, TEST_RECON_FILE)))
return ret;
test_cleanup ();
return 0;
static int
test_recode_command (xd3_stream *stream, int ignore)
/* Things to test:
* - with and without a source file (recode does not change)
* (recode may or may not change -- 8 variations)
* - with and without adler32
* - with and without app header
* - with and without secondary
int has_source;
int variant;
int change;
int ret;
for (has_source = 0; has_source < 2; has_source++)
for (variant = 0; variant < 8; variant++)
for (change = 0; change < 8; change++)
if ((ret = test_recode_command2 (stream, has_source,
variant, change)))
return ret;
DOT ();
return 0;
static int test_secondary_lzma_default (xd3_stream *stream, int ignore)
char ecmd[TESTBUFSIZE];
int ret;
test_setup ();
if ((ret = test_make_inputs (stream, NULL, NULL)))
return ret;
/* First encode */
snprintf_func (ecmd, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s -e %s %s",
if ((ret = system (ecmd)) != 0)
return XD3_INTERNAL;
if ((ret = check_vcdiff_header (stream,
"VCDIFF secondary compressor",
return ret;
test_cleanup ();
return 0;
#endif /* SECONDARY_LZMA */
#endif /* SHELL_TESTS */
/* This performs one step of the test_externally_compressed_io
* function described below. It builds a pipe containing both Xdelta
* and external compression/decompression that should not modify the
* data passing through. */
static int
test_compressed_pipe (xd3_stream *stream, main_extcomp *ext, char* buf,
const char* comp_options, const char* decomp_options,
int do_ext_recomp, const char* msg)
int ret;
char decomp_buf[TESTBUFSIZE];
if (do_ext_recomp)
snprintf_func (decomp_buf, TESTBUFSIZE,
" | %s %s", ext->decomp_cmdname, ext->decomp_options);
decomp_buf[0] = 0;
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s %s < %s | %s %s | %s %s%s > %s",
ext->recomp_cmdname, ext->recomp_options,
program_name, comp_options,
program_name, decomp_options,
if ((ret = system (buf)) != 0)
stream->msg = msg;
return XD3_INTERNAL;
if ((ret = test_compare_files (TEST_TARGET_FILE, TEST_RECON_FILE)))
return XD3_INTERNAL;
DOT ();
return 0;
/* We want to test that a pipe such as:
* --> | gzip -cf | xdelta3 -cf | xdelta3 -dcf | gzip -dcf | -->
* is transparent, i.e., does not modify the stream of data. However,
* we also want to verify that at the center the data is properly
* compressed, i.e., that we do not just have a re-compressed gzip
* format, that we have an VCDIFF format. We do this in two steps.
* First test the above pipe, then test with suppressed output
* recompression (-D). The result should be the original input:
* --> | gzip -cf | xdelta3 -cf | xdelta3 -Ddcf | -->
* Finally we want to test that -D also disables input decompression:
* --> | gzip -cf | xdelta3 -Dcf | xdelta3 -Ddcf | gzip -dcf | -->
static int
test_externally_compressed_io (xd3_stream *stream, int ignore)
usize_t i;
int ret;
char buf[TESTBUFSIZE];
mt_init (& static_mtrand, 0x9f73f7fc);
if ((ret = test_make_inputs (stream, NULL, NULL))) { return ret; }
for (i = 0; i < SIZEOF_ARRAY (extcomp_types); i += 1)
main_extcomp *ext = & extcomp_types[i];
/* Test for the existence of the external command first, if not skip. */
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s %s < /dev/null > /dev/null", ext->recomp_cmdname, ext->recomp_options);
if ((ret = system (buf)) != 0)
XPR(NT "%s=0", ext->recomp_cmdname);
if ((ret = test_compressed_pipe (stream, ext, buf, "-cfq", "-dcfq", 1,
"compression failed: identity pipe")) ||
(ret = test_compressed_pipe (stream, ext, buf, "-cfq", "-Rdcfq", 0,
"compression failed: without recompression")) ||
(ret = test_compressed_pipe (stream, ext, buf, "-Dcfq", "-Rdcfq", 1,
"compression failed: without decompression")))
return ret;
return 0;
/* This tests the proper functioning of external decompression for
* source files. The source and target files are identical and
* compressed by gzip. Decoding such a delta with recompression
* disbaled (-R) should produce the original, uncompressed
* source/target file. Then it checks with output recompression
* enabled--in this case the output should be a compressed copy of the
* original source/target file. Then it checks that encoding with
* decompression disabled works--the compressed files are identical
* and decoding them should always produce a compressed output,
* regardless of -R since the encoded delta file had decompression
* disabled..
static int
test_source_decompression (xd3_stream *stream, int ignore)
int ret;
char buf[TESTBUFSIZE];
const main_extcomp *ext;
xoff_t dsize;
mt_init (& static_mtrand, 0x9f73f7fc);
test_setup ();
if ((ret = test_make_inputs (stream, NULL, NULL))) { return ret; }
/* Use gzip. */
if ((ext = main_get_compressor ("G")) == NULL)
XPR(NT "skipped");
return 0;
/* Save an uncompressed copy. */
if ((ret = test_save_copy (TEST_TARGET_FILE))) { return ret; }
/* Compress the source. */
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s -1 %s < %s > %s", ext->recomp_cmdname,
ext->recomp_options, TEST_COPY_FILE, TEST_SOURCE_FILE);
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
/* Compress the target. */
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s -9 %s < %s > %s", ext->recomp_cmdname,
ext->recomp_options, TEST_COPY_FILE, TEST_TARGET_FILE);
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
/* Now the two identical files are compressed. Delta-encode the target,
* with decompression. */
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s -e -vfq -s%s %s %s", program_name, TEST_SOURCE_FILE,
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
/* Check that the compressed file is small (b/c inputs are
* identical). */
if ((ret = test_file_size (TEST_DELTA_FILE, & dsize))) { return ret; }
/* Deltas for identical files should be very small. */
if (dsize > 200)
XPR(NT "external compression did not happen\n");
stream->msg = "external compression did not happen";
return XD3_INTERNAL;
/* Decode the delta file with recompression disabled, should get an
* uncompressed file out. */
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s -v -dq -R -s%s %s %s", program_name,
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
if ((ret = test_compare_files (TEST_COPY_FILE,
TEST_RECON_FILE))) { return ret; }
/* Decode the delta file with recompression, should get a compressed file
* out. But we can't compare compressed files directly. */
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s -v -dqf -s%s %s %s", program_name,
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s %s < %s > %s", ext->decomp_cmdname, ext->decomp_options,
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
if ((ret = test_compare_files (TEST_COPY_FILE,
TEST_RECON2_FILE))) { return ret; }
/* Encode with decompression disabled */
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s -e -D -vfq -s%s %s %s", program_name,
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
/* Decode the delta file with decompression disabled, should get the
* identical compressed file out. */
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s -d -D -vfq -s%s %s %s", program_name,
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
if ((ret = test_compare_files (TEST_TARGET_FILE,
TEST_RECON_FILE))) { return ret; }
return 0;
/* This tests that output will not overwrite an existing file unless
* -f was specified. The test is for encoding (the same code handles
* it for decoding). */
static int
test_force_behavior (xd3_stream *stream, int ignore)
int ret;
char buf[TESTBUFSIZE];
/* Create empty target file */
test_setup ();
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "cp /dev/null %s", TEST_TARGET_FILE);
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
/* Encode to delta file */
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s -e %s %s", program_name,
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
/* Encode again, should fail. */
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s -q -e %s %s ", program_name,
if ((ret = do_fail (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
/* Force it, should succeed. */
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s -f -e %s %s", program_name,
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
return 0;
/* This checks the proper operation of the -c flag. When specified
* the default output becomes stdout, otherwise the input must be
* provided (encode) or it may be defaulted (decode w/ app header). */
static int
test_stdout_behavior (xd3_stream *stream, int ignore)
int ret;
char buf[TESTBUFSIZE];
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "cp /dev/null %s", TEST_TARGET_FILE);
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
/* Without -c, encode writes to delta file */
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s -e %s %s", program_name,
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
/* With -c, encode writes to stdout */
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s -e -c %s > %s", program_name,
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
/* Without -c, decode writes to target file name, but it fails because the
* file exists. */
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s -q -d %s ", program_name, TEST_DELTA_FILE);
if ((ret = do_fail (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
/* With -c, decode writes to stdout */
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s -d -c %s > /dev/null", program_name, TEST_DELTA_FILE);
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
return 0;
/* This tests that the no-output flag (-J) works. */
static int
test_no_output (xd3_stream *stream, int ignore)
int ret;
char buf[TESTBUFSIZE];
test_setup ();
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "touch %s && chmod 0000 %s",
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
if ((ret = test_make_inputs (stream, NULL, NULL))) { return ret; }
/* Try no_output encode w/out unwritable output file */
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s -q -f -e %s %s", program_name,
if ((ret = do_fail (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s -J -e %s %s", program_name,
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
/* Now really write the delta to test decode no-output */
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s -e %s %s", program_name,
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s -q -f -d %s %s", program_name,
if ((ret = do_fail (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s -J -d %s %s", program_name,
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
test_cleanup ();
return 0;
/* This tests that the default appheader works */
static int
test_appheader (xd3_stream *stream, int ignore)
int i;
int ret;
char buf[TESTBUFSIZE];
char bogus[TESTBUFSIZE];
xoff_t ssize, tsize;
test_setup ();
if ((ret = test_make_inputs (stream, &ssize, &tsize))) { return ret; }
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "%s -q -f -e -s %s %s %s", program_name,
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
if ((ret = test_copy_to (program_name, TEST_RECON2_FILE))) { return ret; }
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "chmod 0700 %s", TEST_RECON2_FILE);
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
if ((ret = test_save_copy (TEST_TARGET_FILE))) { return ret; }
if ((ret = test_copy_to (TEST_SOURCE_FILE, TEST_TARGET_FILE))) { return ret; }
if ((ret = test_compare_files (TEST_TARGET_FILE, TEST_COPY_FILE)) == 0)
return XD3_INVALID; // I.e., files are different!
// Test that the target file is restored.
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "(cd /tmp && %s -q -f -d %s)",
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
if ((ret = test_compare_files (TEST_TARGET_FILE, TEST_COPY_FILE)) != 0)
return ret;
// Test a malicious string w/ entries > 4 in the appheader by having
// the encoder write it:
for (i = 0; i < TESTBUFSIZE / 4; ++i)
bogus[2*i] = 'G';
bogus[2*i+1] = '/';
bogus[TESTBUFSIZE/2-1] = 0;
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE,
"%s -q -f -A=%s -e -s %s %s %s", program_name, bogus,
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, buf))) { return ret; }
// Then read it:
snprintf_func (buf, TESTBUFSIZE, "(cd /tmp && %s -q -f -d %s)",
if ((ret = do_cmd (stream, buf)) == 0)
return XD3_INVALID; // Impossible
if (!WIFEXITED(ret))
return XD3_INVALID; // Must have crashed!
test_cleanup ();
return 0;
Source identical optimization
/* Computing a delta should be fastest when the two inputs are
* identical, this checks it. The library is called to compute a
* delta between a 10000 byte file, 1000 byte winsize, 500 byte source
* blocksize. The same buffer is used for both source and target. */
static int
test_identical_behavior (xd3_stream *stream, int ignore)
#define IDB_TGTSZ 10000 /* Not a power of two b/c of hard-coded expectations below. */
#define IDB_BLKSZ 512
#define IDB_WINSZ 1000
#define IDB_DELSZ 1000
int ret, i;
uint8_t buf[IDB_TGTSZ];
uint8_t del[IDB_DELSZ];
uint8_t rec[IDB_TGTSZ];
xd3_source source;
int nextencwin = 0;
int winstarts = 0, winfinishes = 0;
usize_t delpos = 0, recsize;
xd3_config config;
memset(&source, 0, sizeof(source));
for (i = 0; i < IDB_TGTSZ; i += 1)
buf[i] = (uint8_t) mt_random (&static_mtrand);
stream->winsize = IDB_WINSZ;
source.blksize = IDB_BLKSZ; = "";
source.curblk = NULL;
source.curblkno = 0;
if ((ret = xd3_set_source (stream, & source))) { goto fail; }
/* Compute an delta between identical source and targets. */
for (;;)
ret = xd3_encode_input (stream);
if (ret == XD3_INPUT)
xd3_avail_input (stream, buf + (IDB_WINSZ * nextencwin), IDB_WINSZ);
nextencwin += 1;
if (ret == XD3_GETSRCBLK)
source.curblkno = source.getblkno;
source.onblk = IDB_BLKSZ;
source.curblk = buf + source.getblkno * IDB_BLKSZ;
if (ret == XD3_WINSTART)
if (ret == XD3_WINFINISH)
if (winfinishes == IDB_WINCNT)
if (ret != XD3_OUTPUT) { goto fail; }
CHECK(delpos + stream->avail_out <= IDB_DELSZ);
memcpy (del + delpos, stream->next_out, stream->avail_out);
delpos += stream->avail_out;
xd3_consume_output (stream);
CHECK(winfinishes == IDB_WINCNT);
CHECK(winstarts == IDB_WINCNT);
CHECK(nextencwin == IDB_WINCNT);
/* Reset. */
memset(&source, 0, sizeof(source));
source.blksize = IDB_TGTSZ;
source.onblk = IDB_TGTSZ;
source.curblk = buf;
source.curblkno = 0;
if ((ret = xd3_close_stream (stream))) { goto fail; }
xd3_free_stream (stream);
xd3_init_config (& config, 0);
if ((ret = xd3_config_stream (stream, & config))) { goto fail; }
if ((ret = xd3_set_source_and_size (stream, & source, IDB_TGTSZ))) { goto fail; }
/* Decode. */
if ((ret = xd3_decode_stream (stream, del, delpos, rec, & recsize, IDB_TGTSZ))) { goto fail; }
/* Check result size and data. */
if (recsize != IDB_TGTSZ) { stream->msg = "wrong size reconstruction"; goto fail; }
if (memcmp (rec, buf, IDB_TGTSZ) != 0) { stream->msg = "wrong data reconstruction"; goto fail; }
/* Check that there was one copy per window. */
IF_DEBUG (if (stream->n_scpy != IDB_WINCNT ||
stream->n_add != 0 ||
stream->n_run != 0) { stream->msg = "wrong copy count"; goto fail; });
/* Check that no checksums were computed because the initial match
was presumed. */
IF_DEBUG (if (stream->large_ckcnt != 0) { stream->msg = "wrong checksum behavior"; goto fail; });
ret = 0;
return ret;
String matching test
/* Check particular matching behaviors by calling
* xd3_string_match_soft directly with specific arguments. */
typedef struct _string_match_test string_match_test;
typedef enum
SM_NONE = 0,
SM_LAZY = (1 << 1),
} string_match_flags;
struct _string_match_test
const char *input;
int flags;
const char *result;
static const string_match_test match_tests[] =
/* nothing */
{ "1234567890", SM_NONE, "" },
/* basic run, copy */
{ "11111111112323232323", SM_NONE, "R0/10 C12/8@10" },
/* no run smaller than MIN_RUN=8 */
{ "1111111", SM_NONE, "C1/6@0" },
{ "11111111", SM_NONE, "R0/8" },
/* simple promotion: the third copy address depends on promotion */
{ "ABCDEF_ABCDEF^ABCDEF", SM_NONE, "C7/6@0 C14/6@7" },
/* { "ABCDEF_ABCDEF^ABCDEF", SM_PROMOTE, "C7/6@0 C14/6@0" }, forgotten */
/* simple lazy: there is a better copy starting with "23 X" than "123 " */
{ "123 23 XYZ 123 XYZ", SM_NONE, "C11/4@0" },
{ "123 23 XYZ 123 XYZ", SM_LAZY, "C11/4@0 C12/6@4" },
/* trylazy: no lazy matches unless there are at least two characters beyond
* the first match */
{ "2123_121212", SM_LAZY, "C7/4@5" },
{ "2123_1212123", SM_LAZY, "C7/4@5" },
{ "2123_1212123_", SM_LAZY, "C7/4@5 C8/5@0" },
/* trylazy: no lazy matches if the copy is >= MAXLAZY=10 */
{ "2123_121212123_", SM_LAZY, "C7/6@5 C10/5@0" },
{ "2123_12121212123_", SM_LAZY, "C7/8@5 C12/5@0" },
{ "2123_1212121212123_", SM_LAZY, "C7/10@5" },
/* lazy run: check a run overlapped by a longer copy */
{ "11111112 111111112 1", SM_LAZY, "C1/6@0 R9/8 C10/10@0" },
/* lazy match: match_length,run_l >= min_match tests, shouldn't get any
* copies within the run, no run within the copy */
{ "^________^________ ", SM_LAZY, "R1/8 C9/9@0" },
/* chain depth: it only goes back 10. this checks that the 10th match hits
* and the 11th misses. */
{ "1234 1234_1234-1234=1234+1234[1234]1234{1234}1234<1234 ", SM_NONE,
"C5/4@0 C10/4@5 C15/4@10 C20/4@15 C25/4@20 C30/4@25 C35/4@30 C40/4@35 C45/4@40 C50/5@0" },
{ "1234 1234_1234-1234=1234+1234[1234]1234{1234}1234<1234>1234 ", SM_NONE,
"C5/4@0 C10/4@5 C15/4@10 C20/4@15 C25/4@20 C30/4@25 C35/4@30 C40/4@35 C45/4@40 C50/4@45 C55/4@50" },
/* ssmatch test */
{ "ABCDE___ABCDE*** BCDE***", SM_NONE, "C8/5@0 C17/4@1" },
/*{ "ABCDE___ABCDE*** BCDE***", SM_SSMATCH, "C8/5@0 C17/7@9" }, forgotten */
static int
test_string_matching (xd3_stream *stream, int ignore)
usize_t i;
int ret;
xd3_config config;
char rbuf[TESTBUFSIZE];
for (i = 0; i < SIZEOF_ARRAY (match_tests); i += 1)
const string_match_test *test = & match_tests[i];
char *rptr = rbuf;
usize_t len = (usize_t) strlen (test->input);
xd3_free_stream (stream);
xd3_init_config (& config, 0);
config.smatch_cfg = XD3_SMATCH_SOFT;
config.smatcher_soft.large_look = 4;
config.smatcher_soft.large_step = 4;
config.smatcher_soft.small_look = 4;
config.smatcher_soft.small_chain = 10;
config.smatcher_soft.small_lchain = 10;
config.smatcher_soft.max_lazy = (test->flags & SM_LAZY) ? 10 : 0;
config.smatcher_soft.long_enough = 10;
if ((ret = xd3_config_stream (stream, & config))) { return ret; }
if ((ret = xd3_encode_init_full (stream))) { return ret; }
xd3_avail_input (stream, (uint8_t*)test->input, len);
if ((ret = stream->smatcher.string_match (stream))) { return ret; }
*rptr = 0;
while (! xd3_rlist_empty (& stream->iopt_used))
xd3_rinst *inst = xd3_rlist_pop_front (& stream->iopt_used);
switch (inst->type)
case XD3_RUN: *rptr++ = 'R'; break;
case XD3_CPY: *rptr++ = 'C'; break;
default: CHECK(0);
snprintf_func (rptr, rbuf+TESTBUFSIZE-rptr, "%"W"u/%"W"u",
inst->pos, inst->size);
rptr += strlen (rptr);
if (inst->type == XD3_CPY)
*rptr++ = '@';
snprintf_func (rptr, rbuf+TESTBUFSIZE-rptr, "%"Q"u", inst->addr);
rptr += strlen (rptr);
*rptr++ = ' ';
xd3_rlist_push_back (& stream->iopt_free, inst);
if (rptr != rbuf)
rptr -= 1; *rptr = 0;
if (strcmp (rbuf, test->result) != 0)
XPR(NT "test %"W"u: expected %s: got %s", i, test->result, rbuf);
stream->msg = "wrong result";
return XD3_INTERNAL;
return 0;
* This is a test for many overlapping instructions. It must be a lazy
* matcher.
static int
test_iopt_flush_instructions (xd3_stream *stream, int ignore)
int ret, i;
usize_t tpos = 0;
usize_t delta_size, recon_size;
xd3_config config;
uint8_t target[TESTBUFSIZE];
uint8_t delta[TESTBUFSIZE];
uint8_t recon[TESTBUFSIZE];
xd3_free_stream (stream);
xd3_init_config (& config, 0);
config.smatch_cfg = XD3_SMATCH_SOFT;
config.smatcher_soft.large_look = 16;
config.smatcher_soft.large_step = 16;
config.smatcher_soft.small_look = 4;
config.smatcher_soft.small_chain = 128;
config.smatcher_soft.small_lchain = 16;
config.smatcher_soft.max_lazy = 8;
config.smatcher_soft.long_enough = 128;
if ((ret = xd3_config_stream (stream, & config))) { return ret; }
for (i = 1; i < 250; i++)
target[tpos++] = i;
target[tpos++] = i+1;
target[tpos++] = i+2;
target[tpos++] = i+3;
target[tpos++] = 0;
for (i = 1; i < 253; i++)
target[tpos++] = i;
if ((ret = xd3_encode_stream (stream, target, tpos,
delta, & delta_size, sizeof (delta))))
return ret;
if ((ret = xd3_config_stream (stream, & config))) { return ret; }
if ((ret = xd3_decode_stream (stream, delta, delta_size,
recon, & recon_size, sizeof (recon))))
return ret;
CHECK(tpos == recon_size);
CHECK(memcmp(target, recon, recon_size) == 0);
return 0;
* This tests the 32/64bit ambiguity for source-window matching.
static int
test_source_cksum_offset (xd3_stream *stream, int ignore)
xd3_source source;
// Inputs are:
struct {
xoff_t cpos; // stream->srcwin_cksum_pos;
xoff_t ipos; // stream->total_in;
xoff_t size; // stream->src->size;
usize_t input; // input 32-bit offset
xoff_t output; // output 64-bit offset
} cksum_test[] = {
// If cpos is <= 2^32
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 },
// cpos ipos size input output
// 0x____xxxxxULL, 0x____xxxxxULL, 0x____xxxxxULL, 0x___xxxxxUL, 0x____xxxxxULL
{ 0x100100000ULL, 0x100000000ULL, 0x100200000ULL, 0x00000000UL, 0x100000000ULL },
{ 0x100100000ULL, 0x100000000ULL, 0x100200000ULL, 0xF0000000UL, 0x0F0000000ULL },
{ 0x100200000ULL, 0x100100000ULL, 0x100200000ULL, 0x00300000UL, 0x000300000ULL },
{ 25771983104ULL, 25770000000ULL, 26414808769ULL, 2139216707UL, 23614053187ULL },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
}, *test_ptr;
stream->src = &source;
for (test_ptr = cksum_test; test_ptr->cpos; test_ptr++) {
xoff_t r;
stream->srcwin_cksum_pos = test_ptr->cpos;
stream->total_in = test_ptr->ipos;
r = xd3_source_cksum_offset(stream, test_ptr->input);
CHECK(r == test_ptr->output);
return 0;
#endif /* !XD3_USE_LARGESIZET */
static int
test_in_memory (xd3_stream *stream, int ignore)
// test_text is 256 bytes
uint8_t ibuf[sizeof(test_text)];
uint8_t dbuf[sizeof(test_text)];
uint8_t obuf[sizeof(test_text)];
usize_t size = sizeof(test_text);
usize_t dsize, osize;
int r1, r2;
int eflags = SECONDARY_DJW ? XD3_SEC_DJW : 0;
memcpy(ibuf, test_text, size);
memset(ibuf + 128, 0, 16);
r1 = xd3_encode_memory(ibuf, size,
test_text, size,
dbuf, &dsize, size, eflags);
r2 = xd3_decode_memory(dbuf, dsize,
test_text, size,
obuf, &osize, size, 0);
if (r1 != 0 || r2 != 0 || dsize >= (size/2) || dsize < 1 ||
osize != size) {
stream->msg = "encode/decode size error";
return XD3_INTERNAL;
if (memcmp(obuf, ibuf, size) != 0) {
stream->msg = "encode/decode data error";
return XD3_INTERNAL;
return 0;
int xd3_selftest (void)
#define DO_TEST(fn,flags,arg) \
do { \
xd3_stream stream; \
xd3_config config; \
xd3_init_config (& config, flags); \
XPR(NT "testing " #fn "%s...", \
flags ? (" (" #flags ")") : ""); \
if ((ret = xd3_config_stream (& stream, & config) == 0) && \
(ret = test_ ## fn (& stream, arg)) == 0) { \
XPR(NTR " success\n"); \
} else { \
XPR(NTR " failed: %s: %s\n", xd3_errstring (& stream), \
xd3_mainerror (ret)); } \
xd3_free_stream (& stream); \
if (ret != 0) { goto failure; } \
} while (0)
int ret;
DO_TEST (random_numbers, 0, 0);
DO_TEST (printf_xoff, 0, 0);
DO_TEST (decode_integer_end_of_input, 0, 0);
DO_TEST (decode_integer_overflow, 0, 0);
DO_TEST (encode_decode_uint32_t, 0, 0);
DO_TEST (encode_decode_uint64_t, 0, 0);
DO_TEST (usize_t_overflow, 0, 0);
DO_TEST (checksum_step, 0, 0);
DO_TEST (forward_match, 0, 0);
DO_TEST (address_cache, 0, 0);
DO_TEST (string_matching, 0, 0);
DO_TEST (choose_instruction, 0, 0);
DO_TEST (identical_behavior, 0, 0);
DO_TEST (in_memory, 0, 0);
DO_TEST (iopt_flush_instructions, 0, 0);
DO_TEST (source_cksum_offset, 0, 0);
DO_TEST (decompress_single_bit_error, 0, 3);
DO_TEST (decompress_single_bit_error, XD3_ADLER32, 3);
IF_LZMA (DO_TEST (decompress_single_bit_error, XD3_SEC_LZMA, 54));
IF_FGK (DO_TEST (decompress_single_bit_error, XD3_SEC_FGK, 3));
IF_DJW (DO_TEST (decompress_single_bit_error, XD3_SEC_DJW, 8));
DO_TEST (force_behavior, 0, 0);
DO_TEST (stdout_behavior, 0, 0);
DO_TEST (no_output, 0, 0);
DO_TEST (appheader, 0, 0);
DO_TEST (command_line_arguments, 0, 0);
DO_TEST (source_decompression, 0, 0);
DO_TEST (externally_compressed_io, 0, 0);
DO_TEST (recode_command, 0, 0);
IF_LZMA (DO_TEST (secondary_lzma_default, 0, 0));
IF_LZMA (DO_TEST (secondary_lzma, 0, 1));
IF_DJW (DO_TEST (secondary_huff, 0, DJW_MAX_GROUPS));
IF_FGK (DO_TEST (secondary_fgk, 0, 1));
DO_TEST (compressed_stream_overflow, 0, 0);
IF_LZMA (DO_TEST (compressed_stream_overflow, XD3_SEC_LZMA, 0));
test_cleanup ();
return ret == 0 ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;
#undef DO_TEST