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2018-10-23 23:17:03 +02:00
import failWithError from './failWithError';
* A command line option
interface IOption {
/** The default value to use, if this argument is missing. If set to `undefined`, this argument is considered to be required and the process will terminate whenever it is missing. */
default?: string;
/** The short version option as an alias for the long option, must be a single character. Can be set to an empty string or `undefined` if there should be no short option. */
short?: string;
/** A human readable description of this option, for display in the usage message. Not displayed if `undefined` or an empty string. */
description?: string;
/** A function that verifies if the given value is a valid value for this option. If set to `undefined`, any value is accepted for this option. */
verify?: (value: string) => boolean;
/** A function returning a custom error message that is shown if the verify function returns false. If the function is `undefined`, or it returns `undefined` or an empty string, a default error message is shown instead. */
message?: (value: string) => string;
* Checks the command line arguments against the given specification, and returns the arguments as a JavaScript object, as well as a failure function that prints the usage instructions before terminating.
* If an error is found, outputs an error message and terminates with a non-zero exit code.
* @param spec A specification of what arguments are expected.
* @param preParseHook Optionally, a function to modify the command line arguments before parsing them.
export default function parseArguments(
spec: { [key: string]: IOption },
preParseHook?: (args: string[], fail: (message: string) => void) => (string[] | undefined),
): { fail: (errorMessage: string) => void, args: { [key: string]: string } } {
//The parsed arguments that are returned by this function
const outputArgs: { [key: string]: string } = {};
//Create a lookup table to find a long option when given the short option, and to check if all required options are set
const shortToLongLookup: { [key: string]: string } = {};
const requiredOptions: { [key: string]: boolean } = {};
for (const longOption in spec) {
if (spec.hasOwnProperty(longOption)) {
if (longOption === '') {
failWithError('', `The long option may not be an empty string. This is a bug in the source code of the script that you tried to call.`);
if (!longOption.match(/^[a-z0-9]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*$/)) {
failWithError('', `The long option "${longOption}" must only contain alpha-numeric characters, optionally separated by hyphens. This is a bug in the source code of the script that you tried to call.`);
const shortOption = spec[longOption].short;
if (shortOption !== undefined && shortOption !== '') {
if (shortOption.length > 1) {
failWithError('', `Short options must only be one character long but the short option "${shortOption}" for "${longOption}" was ${shortOption.length} characters long. This is a bug in the source code of the script that you tried to call.`);
shortToLongLookup[shortOption] = longOption;
//If a default value is given, use the default value (it can be overridden later), otherwise mark argument as being required
const defaultValue = spec[longOption].default;
if (defaultValue !== undefined) {
outputArgs[longOption] = defaultValue;
} else {
requiredOptions[longOption] = false;
let argumentOption = '';
const usage = `./${process.argv[1].substr(process.argv[1].lastIndexOf('/') + 1)} [options]\nOPTIONS\n${
Object.entries(spec).map(([key, {default: defaultValue, short, description}]) => (
` ${(defaultValue === undefined) ? '' : '['}${(short !== undefined && short !== '') ? `-${short}, ` : ''}--${key} <value>${(defaultValue === undefined) ? '' : `], defaults to "${defaultValue}"`}${(description !== undefined && description !== '') ? `\n ${description}` : ''}`
const failFunction = failWithError.bind(null, usage);
//The original arguments from the command line
let args = process.argv.slice(2);
//If defined, run the pre-parse hook to modify the arguments
if (preParseHook !== undefined) {
try {
const modifiedArgs = preParseHook(args, failFunction);
if (modifiedArgs !== undefined) {
args = modifiedArgs;
} catch (error) {
failFunction(`Could not run pre-parse hook, encountered error: ${String(error)}.`);
function parseValue(argumentValue: string) {
//Verify value for correctness
const verifyFunc = spec[argumentOption].verify;
const messageFunc = spec[argumentOption].message;
try {
if (verifyFunc !== undefined && !verifyFunc(argumentValue)) {
if (messageFunc !== undefined) {
try {
const customMessage = messageFunc(argumentValue);
if (customMessage !== undefined && customMessage !== '') {
} catch (error) {
failFunction(`Invalid value set for option "${argumentOption}": "${argumentValue}". Could not show custom error message: ${String(error)}`);
failFunction(`Invalid value set for option "${argumentOption}": "${argumentValue}".`);
} catch (error) {
failFunction(`Invalid value set for option "${argumentOption}", the validation of "${argumentValue}" failed: ${String(error)}`);
//Remember the value, and if it is a required argument, mark that we have encountered it
outputArgs[argumentOption] = argumentValue;
if (requiredOptions[argumentOption] === false) {
requiredOptions[argumentOption] = true;
argumentOption = '';
//Iterate through all command line arguments. When we have read both name and value, verify the argument for correctness.
//Show error if a name has no value afterwards, or a value has no name in front of it.
for (const arg of args) {
if (argumentOption === '') {
/** We expect a name, must be one of:
* - `--name value`
* - `--name=value`
* - `-n value`
* - `-n=value`
if (arg === '-' || arg === '--') {
//TODO: what about the -- option? skip parsing of all following options?
failFunction(`Empty option "-" or "--" is not supported.`);
} else if (arg.startsWith('--')) { //long argument
argumentOption = arg.substr(2);
let argumentValue;
//If there's a =, immediately read the value
if (argumentOption.indexOf('=') !== -1) {
[argumentOption, argumentValue] = argumentOption.split('=', 2);
//Check that argument name is valid
if (spec[argumentOption] === undefined) {
failFunction(`Unknown option "--${argumentOption}".`);
//If value was provided, check that value is correct and remove name for next loop iteration
if (argumentValue !== undefined) {
argumentOption = '';
} else if (arg.startsWith('-')) { //short argument
argumentOption = arg.substr(1);
let argumentValue;
//If there's a =, immediately read the value
if (argumentOption.indexOf('=') !== -1) {
[argumentOption, argumentValue] = argumentOption.split('=', 2);
//Check that argument name is valid
if (shortToLongLookup[argumentOption] === undefined) {
failFunction(`Unknown short option "-${argumentOption}".`);
argumentOption = shortToLongLookup[argumentOption];
//If value was provided, check that value is correct and remove name for next loop iteration
if (argumentValue !== undefined) {
argumentOption = '';
} else {
failFunction(`Arguments must be preceded by an option but there was no option in front of "${arg}".`);
} else { //We expect a value, can be anything
// argumentName must be cleared to '' after the value is read, so if it is not an empty string, the value was missing
if (argumentOption !== '') {
failFunction(`Option "${argumentOption}" was not followed by a value.`);
//check if any entry in requiredArguments was not set
for (const optName in requiredOptions) {
if (spec.hasOwnProperty(optName) && requiredOptions[optName] === false) {
failFunction(`Missing option "${optName}" even though it is required.`);
return {
fail: failFunction,
args: outputArgs,